Sarai and Lazlo are facing the most difficult time of their relationship. See, Sarai just died, Lazlo just became a god and Minya sees her chance to finally get revenge on Weep. They are at Minya's mercy- if Lazlo doesn't do what she says. Minya has threatened to let Sarai disappear. But Sarai does not want Lazlo to kill everyone in Weep and is willing to die to protect everyone. Lazlo, though, will not let Sarai go. Meanwhile, Eril-Fane has come to the Seraph and finally met his ghost daughter. This is the first time the god spawn has been around humans. Luckily Minya has been taken care of by some sleeping potion or all hell would have broken loose. Sarai is committed to finding a way to help Minya and when she finds herself in Minya's nightmare, life changing revelations are revealed. Sarai decides she must find a way to change Minya's self destructive dreams to save everyone- can she become the Goddess of Dreams? Meanwhile, the story of Nova and Kora is shared. The sisters' story may be the leverage Sarai needs to solve the story behind Minya's wrath. It has the potential to destroy them all. Or save them all. This novel is so many things. It is beautifully written, the number of quotes I have typed up to save is almost a page. It is a love story on so many levels- between many couples, between a father and daughter, between gods and humans, between brothers and sisters and maybe even between worlds. And that is the biggest OMG I had as I realized what Laini Taylor had done to tie my two favorite series together. It is so hard to keep that to myself as I wait for my friends to read this. If you haven't had the pleasure of reading the
Daughter of Smoke and Bone series, I'm jealous- start there. Then find
Strange the Dreamer and meet Lazlo and Sarai in their former states. Then reserve a weekend to pour over the pages of this gem. You won't regret a minute and may find yourself looking at the sky and wondering where the portal to other worlds may be. Happy reading my friend!
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