I am a subscriber to two young adult book box subscriptions. So every month I
receive a box in the mail with a new book and some fun bookish things. That
being said, I can't keep up with all the books. First world problem, I know!
This month's book was Incendiary by Zoraida Cordova. It is about a time when
those with magical abilities are being rounded up and used for their powers.
Renata was kidnapped from her parents home as a child and brought to the palace.
Her power is to be able to take the memories from people. The palace would then
use the information for their gain. She can also turn them into Hollows- when
there are no memories left in a person, they become a shell. A group called the Whispers kidnap her back and she finds that she does not have anyone who trusts her anywhere except Dez. When the Whispers find out about a weapon that can strip them of their power and free will, they must figure out a way to get it and destroy it. But they don't trust Renata and she doesn't trust them. When Dez is captured, Renata goes rogue and leads her own rescue mission. This does not help the trust issue. But the more she is at the palace- where she is determined to kill the Prince, for reasons I won't spoil, the more her memories start to play tricks on her, making it even harder for her to figure out who is on her side. And it won't be who she thinks. I really liked this story. It kept me interested and entertained and I hope the plot twist I think is coming comes. I've read a lot of books with the same themes and I'm a sucker for the fantasy genre. I don't think this was my favorite of these types, but I'm not mad at it. My summer is at an end and I'm about to embark on this distance learning thing, so send up a prayer for me and happy reading my friends.