Not shelf appropriate for middle school. That being said- Nessa and Cassian. If you know you know. Happy reading my ADULT friends. Now we need an Azriel story. Please Sarah Maas!!
My Teacher Loves Books
Tuesday, July 6, 2021
The The Rule of Wolves
Have you jumped on the Shadow and Bone bandwagon yet? If you are a loyal reader you have already jumped into the world of King of Scars, which chronicles Kaz Brekker's life This sequel follows Nikolai, Zoya and Nina as they navigate the civil wars raving in and around the Fold. These are old friends at this point and if you haven't jumped into the Grishaverse, you should start at the beginning. That being said, this is filled with adventure, romance and sacrifice, each more heartrending than the last. The characters are really getting more defined which makes the reader more attached. You just want good things to happen for them. When you see the struggles they have had and how far they have come, and how much they love each other, you really want to be a part of the crew. When other characters pop up unexpectedly it make it even more fun. I absolutely love this series and highly recommend any book in the Grisha world. And when you are finished- and I mean finished- check out the Netflix series. It is well done and offer a different storyline as all the characters are thrown together from both groups. So beware the Darkling my friends, he really can't be trusted. And if you see Kaz Brekker, send him my way. Happy reading my friends
The Gilded Ones
This book is similar to Witches Steeped in Gold. Deka is a teenage girl awaiting her blood rite. This will determine if her blood runs red and she can become a part of her village or if her blood runs gold, in which case she will be killed instantly. Unfortunately for Deka, her blood runs gold and the village tries to kill her. But with her gold blood comes powers, and one of those powers is that she can't be killed. But boy do they try. When a strange woman comes to their village and offers her. way out, she jumps on the chance to leave everything she knows to join an army of gold blooded woman. They are set to defend the land from monsters who roam into villages and kill everyone. Deka discovers that she has powers over these monsters who seem to obey her orders. How is she doing it? Does it mean she is a monster? What if someone finds out what she can do? Deka builds a group of friends who will stand at her back and by her side into whatever trouble they find. Deka must unravel the mystery of these monsters to unveil the real killers. But will she have the strength to do what she must? I liked this book much better than the other one. Deka is likable, strong and determined. Her friends are equally interesting as is the twist regarding the monsters. I will continue with this series and look forward to see what Deka is doing next. Happy reading my friends!
I am continuing my blog catch up with Unchosen. The world has fallen victim to Crimson. This is a blood disease that turns people into flesh eating monsters with one look. When Charlotte, Harlow and Vanessa lose their parents to the disease, they must figure out a way to survive. The world is searching for the Chosen One, the one who can end the curse and rid the world from Crimson. What the world doesn't know is that Charlotte's little sister Vanessa is the Chosen One. The bad news is that those infected with Crimson want her dead- they like the new world order. When Crimson infected rebels infiltrate the compound where the sisters' live, Charlotte knows what she must do- announce herself as the Chosen One in order to protect Vanessa. Charlotte is swept up into the battle between good and evil and has to use her wits to convince the people who have her that she is more valuable alive than dead. She has to find a way to stay alive until her sisters can find her. Charlotte may have to take matters into her own hands and instead of following Harlow, she has to become confident and secure as a leader. Being the middle sister isn't easy for her for reasons I won't reveal, but be assured there may be a little romance, a lot of peril and a healthy portion of adventure. I enjoyed this book and the mythology that is introduced. I am definitely interested in reading a sequel and finding out whether or not the curse will be broken. In the meantime, don't look them in the eye- keep your head down and keep moving. Ha
ppy Reading my friends..
ppy Reading my friends..
Friday, July 2, 2021
Little Monsters
I always have students that only want to read realistic fiction. This is definitely one they will want to pick up. Kacey has just moved to Broken Falls. She is now living their with her father and his new family. She falls in with Bailey and Jade and they become inseparable. But one night, her little sister sneaks out to hang with them and they decide to go the the "haunted" house down the block Kacey isn't sure what happens in that barn, but her sister is changed by it. Then the girls don't invite her to go to a party with them. Kacey is confused and hurt. When Bailey can't be found the next day, she is even more confused about what has happened. After Bailey turns up dead, all eyes are on Kacey. Did she have something to do with the death or is she being framed? As the investigation heats up, Kacey finds herself alone and under suspicion. This book takes a look at friendships- my mother always told me groups of 3 just don't work- and how you never really know what people's motives are. It's a fast little whodunnit that will leave you on the edge of your seat at times. Great summer read! Happy reading my friends!
Witches Steeped in Gold
I receive several book box subscriptions for YA books. This was in the last one I got. It is the story or rival tribe leaders. Both girls are doing everything they can to protect their people and their ways of life. Unfortunately, they have the history of deceit and treachery to overcome. As one girl plots to kill her mother, the other is an empress in hiding. Neither is ready to lead, neither is willing to trust the other and neither have an easy path of decisions to make. Jazmyne has placed her trust in Kirdan and a group of rebels trying to overthrow her mother But Jazmyne may not be ready to kill her own mother. Iraya puts her trust in no one. She must break out of prison to get close enough to kill Jazmynes's mother and get her tribe back in control, but she has not interest in leading them. Both girls face moral dilemmas that could impact the fate of the people counting on them. I found it interesting that their powers derived from gold, it is very similar to another book I have recently read, which I will also be adding to this blog.This is not a genre I would normally gravitate to, which is why I joined the subscriptions. That being said, I had a hard time liking any of the characters in this book. I couldn't trust any of their motives, which bothered me. But it was filled with twists, turns and characters who were not who they said they were and at the end of the day, it was a cliffhanger. I don't know that I'd read the sequel, but I am glad to have read a book that took me into a different world. Happy reading my friends.
Fable is most at home under the water dredging for treasure, like her mother used to do. She is alone in a place filled with people only out for themselves. She is in constant danger of being robbed, starving or worse, being killed for her stash of coppers. How did she find herself in this predicament? Her father, a ruthless trader, left her there after her mother died. The only advice he gave her? If she wanted what was hers, she had to find a way off the island he left her on and make her way back to him. So that is what Fable does, day after day, dredging for metals she can sell to buy her way off the island. When things don't go as planned, she must make a snap decision and rely on the kindness of West, a ship captain, to get her off the island before she is killed. The last thing he wants to do is help her. He has his own mysterious crew to worry about. He too is trying to get free of his situation to become his own man with no debt to anyone. As Fable finds her way back to her father, she comes to regard West's crew as family and when things go sideways, she turns to them with a proposition that could save them all. I loved this book, Fable is a strong, determined young woman with a great head on her shoulders. The crew is one interesting character after the next and the love story is sweet and of course ends in a major cliffhanger. Who could ask for anything more? This would be a great movie, but of course, reading the book first is a must. Action, adventure and revenge serve the day in this tale of family and friendship. Happy reading my friends!
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Court of Silver Flames
Not shelf appropriate for middle school. That being said- Nessa and Cassian. If you know you know. Happy reading my ADULT friends. Now we n...

Well, I just sat down to start this book because- wait for it-Darren Shan is coming to OUR SCHOOL!!! So excited. He really writes books th...
When Calamity arrived in the sky, some people changed into Epics. Superheroes or should I say Supervillians. They take over the world, destr...
Let me start by saying that books set in boarding school always have some tragic element to them. This gem by Andrew Smith is no exception. ...