Sigh. It's been a month since my last post. End of the school year is crazy. I started another book and was enjoying it and then I walked through the Target teen book section and my eyes fell on
Bitterblue. I have been waiting... and waiting for this book. I put it in my cart, even though I don't usually pay full price for books, and promptly went home and started. I LOVE THIS SERIES. If you haven't read
Graceling or
Fire by Kristen Cashore, start there. This is the story of Bitterblue, Queen of Monsea. She is the daughter of the BEYOND evil King Leck. He is gone when this book starts, you have to read the other books to find out how. Bitterblue is trying to figure out her kingdom which has suffered from 35 years of mind control and horror. Nothing is as it seems. Who can she trust? The amazing characters of Po and Katsa are key players in this book as they help Blue try and work out what has happened and how to fix it. Death (pronounced Deeth) the librarian is trying to recreate all the books Leck had destroyed. Her advisor Thiel is hiding horrible secrets. And as she is running around the city disguised as a boy ( as many queens seem to do) she meets Teddy and Saf. Saf.... yes, the newest addition to my favorite fictional boy list... who helps Sparks (her alias) roam the city looking for answers, until he finds out she is the Queen. Then... well you know the rest, he feels betrayed, they fight, etc. All the while Blue is intrigued by the wall hanging of a woman with the most fantastic red hair... yes- Fire makes an appearance in this book. She is old now and still married to sigh again... Brigan. She helps Blue realize her potential. Other great characters live in the pages of this book, Giddon, Helda, and all the others who are on Blue's side. I wish you would just pick up one of these books and start. You will love the characters and the genius way they are all intertwined. I now begin the long wait for a sequel or companion book. I know it must be coming... I need a happy ending. Four more days of work, then a summer of books begins again. The pile is high and will bring the return of Jace and Clary, John Haydon of
Abandon, Luce and Daniel and Tris. For now, I return to
Ripper. Happy reading my friends!
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