Wow. If you love the
Hunger Games and Vampires, you will devour
The Hunt by Andrew Fukuda. The world is taken over by vampires- how- who knows, not important. They have rounded up the last remaining 'Hepers' aka Humans and are about to have a Hunt. This is where the chosen few get to hunt the last remaining humans and have a feast. Our hero (maybe- jury is still out) Gene is a Heper in hiding. He lives among the vampires as one of them, he goes to school, he's on the swim team, he has fake fangs etc. He has a very specific way he must act and bathe and groom in order to stay under the radar. When the Hunt comes up, he has no desire to be chosen. I mean, what are the chances? Of course, his chances are 100 percent He is taken to the compound to await the Hunt. Low and behold the girl of his dreams is also chosen, only she's a vamp- or is she? As they train and await the Hunt, Gene must find water or die of thirst. So during the day he heads out to the Dome to get some of the Hepers water. He thinks they are no better than cows, bred for food, but boy is he wrong. He is surprised to find they can talk and read and use weapons. But he feels NO compassion for them, he doesn't even warn them of what is to come. I found that so interesting. He is willing to sacrifice them without care in the world. It made it a little hard to get on his side to tell the truth. Then the twists begin and Gene is driven to actions beyond his comfort zone and has to decide what he is going to do- save himself and his girl which means sacrificing his fellow humans or help the humans escape. Cliffhanger alert-a trilogy is a comin'. I totally enjoyed this one and couldn't put it down. So fascinated by the less than heroic hero, but I guess he still has time- or does he. Enjoy the Hunt my friends and happy reading!
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