Oh dear kittens, book two was just as fraught with danger, tension and witty banter as the first book in this series. Daemon and Kat have come to an uneasy peace. They are now connected because of the healing Daemon did to save her. But Kat can't trust the feelings she has for him, are they attracted to each other just because of the connection or do they really have something special. Daemon isn't easy to read, his moods change like the weather. On top of all that, a new boy has come to town. His name is Blake and he has an unhealthy interest in Kat. Kat is flattered, after all he is a human boy and would be uncomplicated. Ha. Daemon doesn't take kindly to the interference and warns Kat not to trust him. Of course he is right and Blake turns out to be just what Daemon suspects- trouble. Amidst all this love triangle tension, Kat sees Bethany in town with the DOD. This can mean only one thing- Dawson may be alive. As Kat and Daemon search for his brother, other factions make their presence known in town and their motives are nefarious. Kat is put in massive danger as her new powers come to light and she is surrounded on all sides by those who want to use her. Luckily, Daemon is having none of that. This is a great book for lovers of the supernatural genre. Daemon is becoming more likable as his real feelings are starting to show and his motives are becoming more clear. Kat is fighting hard to be independent and self reliant. The cliffhanger ending leaves the reader wanting more, and luckily for all of us, there is more. On to the next gemstone... happy reading my friends!
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