What could two girls, with amazing powers, separated by a thousand years possibly have in common? More than you realize! Rielle is the Sun Queen. The one who was prophesied to arrive amidst other signs. Or is she the Blood Queen, the other queen said to rise at the same time. Rielle wants nothing more than to be the Sun Queen, the good one, the kind one. But her nature and desires drive her in other directions. And when Corien, an angel, decides to take an interest in her, all hell breaks loose. Eliana is a poor girl, the Dread of Orline, the assassin of the King. She is indestructible, a secret she must keep to herself. She will do anything to protect her family. When girls start to go missing, she takes it upon herself to find out what is happening. When her mother is one of the missing, she joins forces with an enemy to find her. As their stories unfold, the connection between them takes shape and sets Eliana on a path that may destroy all she loves. Or she just might save the world. While I liked this book, I don't know that I really liked either of the main characters. Their dark sides really rule them and it is at the cost of those who love them. But I love a good girl empowerment story as much as the next person so I didn't put it down. I am not sure I will read the sequel, my summer pile is high and I am determined to make my way through it. At least before I buy any new books. with the exception of the new Sarah Dessen! Wish me luck- happy reading my friends!
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