Ahhh, Ruta Sepetys is a master of language and worlds. All her books deliver you to another time and place. Always with a historical edge and always teaching me something new. This one is no different. This book transports you to Franco's Spain in the 50's. Ana is the daughter of resistors who were both killed for opposing Franco. She lives on pins and needles so as not to attract attention. She has a job at the Hilton which services rich Americans. Ana is hiding a secret the could get her sent away. Daniel is the son of a rich Texan who is in Spain to make a deal with Franco for oil. His mother is originally from Spain and is anxious to return to her home land. Daniel and Ana's paths cross at the hotel and it sets them on a lifelong path that has heartbreaking twists and turns. A secondary plot is the story of the thousands of babies that were stolen from Anti-Franco mothers and handed over to supporters up until the 1980's. WHAT?? The more I learn the more I am horrified by the crimes we commit against each other in the name of power. But every country has scars that must be brought to light no matter the embarrassment. If we don't learn from them, then we are no better than the perpetrators of these crimes. I couldn't put this down and I know I will be a better teacher and human after reading it. Run, don't walk to this author's catalogue. Happy reading my friends!
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