Have you ever done something you regret? Hurt a friend, lied to your boyfriend, gossiped about classmates? What if someone was watching and knew your deepest secrets? And what if they decided you needed to be punished? Emily and Chase are about to find out what happens when the Furies notice you. They each have done something not so nice and are facing the consequences of their actions. It starts when they each notice three mysterious girls following them. What do the girls want, and why do they keep turning up wherever they go? Can they make up for what they have done wrong? Can they stop the Furies from exacting revenge? Emily finds out the cost of her betrayal, and it is more than she can bare when her best friend JD is dragged into her mess. She has to decide if she is willing to give up everything and tie herself to the Furies forever in order to save him, or will she let him die? Elizabeth Miles has started what will be an interesting series. It's different to see main characters with such flaws and serious consequences.This author will be at our school next month with two other authors, Becca Fitzpatrick and Moira Young. Looking forward to hearing her speak and adding her book to my autographed books collection. I enjoyed this story, though the end left me a little sad and anxious for the next book. I'm reading
Blood Red Road now, by Moira Young and am LOVING it. It is very similar to Hunger Games so far. Gonna get back to my book now- Happy Reading Y'all!
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