As a teacher, I have to say a nerdy thing first... Tahereh Mafi is a master of personification! "I don't know why my heart is losing it's mind." Wow. Anyway, this sequel to
Shatter Me, one of the great books of last year, did not disappoint. It follows Juliette and Adam at Omega Point, where they have met up with other people like them. You see, Juliette conducts electricity and to touch her is death. The leader of Omega Point, Castle, is trying to get her to control her powers so she can be a valuable weapon against Warner and Anderson and the evil Reestablishment. As she and Adam grow closer, she is devastated to learn that even though he can touch her, it is slowly destroying him. The only thing she can do is stay away, which is just about killing both of them. On the love triangle end of things, Warner makes a reappearance and much to Juliette's surprise, he isn't quite the monster she thought he was and uh oh, is it possible she may have feelings for him? Well, as any loyal YA reader knows, the answer to that is yes and yes. When the "freaks" of Omega Point go out into battle, Juliette is captured and brought to Anderson, (Warner's father) who is recovering from being shot in the legs- by, you guessed it, Juliette. In taking revenge on his son, he does something not so nice and Warner must decide who side he is on. And scene. This book is really interestingly crafted and a joy to read. I definitely felt the heart strings tug on several occasions and feel the tension of the love triangle. Ah, YA love. Start with book one and join Juliette's crazy journey. You won't be sorry. Happy reading my friends! 16 days to vacation- but who's counting!!
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