Here's the deal friends- after Veronica Roth did what she did to Tris and Tobias, I wasn't sure I could handle a repeat in the end of the
Legend trilogy by Marie Lu. I read each page with dread. Would she destroy one of my favorite couples? Would I have to give up reading for a while? Well, the conclusion to this amazing story was heart stopping. Day's impending death from his brain tumor, hung over it like a death knell. Eden being used as a guinea pig to find a cure for the plague. Anden's love for June that could never be requited. And June's guilt for her part in the ruin of Day's family. All set against the backdrop of a country on the brink of a takeover. Holy story line Batman! If you have read the series, you know what's going on. If you haven't, start at the beginning and fall in love with Day Wing- street rat, as my friend Michelle calls him. (We think he and Han "Cuffs" McAllister should hang out) Day is the hero of his country, his brother and the love of his life June. But Day will risk it all to save them even when his own body rebels against him. The end battle is most amazing and the last 100 pages of this book I read as if in a race. I will not give anything away. I will say that I sobbed on my porch for a while. I tried to convince myself that these were fake people and not real. I read the epilogue with my heart in my throat. And then I read Marie Lu's end notes. They made me chuckle. She thinks these are real people too, and she has let them go off into the world now to live their lives, and she thinks they are going to be okay. So, I'll dry my tears, get a new grip on reality and know that Day and June are okay, somewhere in the future. (And in my world, living happily ever after) So thank you Marie for not pulling a Roth on us and for giving us such amazing characters that we couldn't stand to see harm come to them. (Okay, so I just gave away that they live- so sue me!) On a sadder note, our favorite bookstore is closing it's doors, so thank you Mrs. Nelson's for all the wonderful author's you've brought to us over the years, you will be missed! Happy reading my friends- I'm off to put a scarlet streak in my hair in honor of Day!
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