Sunday, December 22, 2013


Best case scenario- I can finish a book in a couple of days. Worst case scenario- work gets in the way. Since break has just begun and I can't stomach heading out to shop with no rhyme or reason, I was able to finish the C.J. Redwine's sequel to Defiance. Logan and Rachel are trying to bring their city-state back from the destruction the Commander has wrought. Their loved ones dead, no place to go and no way to defend themselves, they must gather the few survivors and convince them to head into the Wasteland and try to get to the protection of another city-state. The way is fraught with peril. (wrought and fraught in one review!) They are being attacked from within their group. Many lives are lost, some more devastating than others. The people that Logan and Rachel can trust grow smaller and smaller in number. Just when you think they have reached safety, a crushing revelation is revealed, changing the game for everyone. How are Rachel and Logan going to get out of this one? Hmm. I have a confession to make, I sometimes (read-all the time) check the ending of books to make sure my favorite characters are still alive. Well, this time that backfired. I almost threw this one into the orange tree until I stopped and actually read the whole ending. Clever trick, I must say. I love this series. It is filled with strong female characters in Willow, Rachel and Sylph. Loyal boys in Frank, Adam, Quinn and Logan and not one, but TWO super evil villains from H***. Whew. I think I need to sit and think about this one for a minute. So if you love a good girl warrior takes on the world book, check out this series. You won't be disappointed. Happy reading my friends!

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Court of Silver Flames

 Not shelf appropriate for middle school. That being said- Nessa and Cassian. If you know you know. Happy reading my ADULT friends. Now we n...