Oh, it's my favorite time of year- vacation. Which is a good thing since my stack of books is taller than my television right now. One season to go on Sons of Anarchy so that distraction- Jax Teller- will be over and I can resume my book obsession. This book is the sequel to Margaret Stohl's
Icons. This is the the story of four teenagers who each have great powers. They are on a mission to save the world from the Icons. Machines who have killed millions of humans already. These four, Dol, Ro, Tima and Lucas are the world's only hope for survival. But they are just teenagers and don't really know what they are doing. Fortis- a mercenary- is helping them. Or is he? Dol keeps seeing a fifth Icon child in her dreams and believes she is the key to saving them all. They set out on a quest to find the Jade girl. Along the way the love triangle between Dol, Ro and Lucas intensifies as Dol seemingly decides who she wants to be with. But the mission is the most important thing and when Dol loses trust in the one guiding them, all bets are off. The conclusion is heartbreaking, but as we all know in science fiction, anything can happen. (Even though I know it won't) Dol has to find a way to go on even in the face of devastating secrets and sacrifice. So, onward to book three, with hopes for resurrection. (a Christmas miracle perhaps?) Hope the holidays find you happy and healthy my friends and happy reading!
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