Ahh. That feels better. If you know anything about me, you know that Will Herondale of the Infernal Devices series is my number 1 favorite fictional boy. The nine books that Cassandra Clare has written are some of my all time favories. This book is about Magnus Bane, one of the characters in her series. He is a warlock so he has been alive through all the Herondales and their adventures. Why did I mention Will? I guess him being a part of this book took my tear ducts by surprise. All he had to do was mention Will and Tessa and Jem and I was crying on my couch. Not a very sane reaction I'll admit. That being said, I loved this group of stories that tells Magnus's tale. It is funny and touching and lovely. It was a way to bring all the characters back and tell more of their stories. And it shed light on others. Magnus is a hopeless romantic and his love of Alec makes him a true treasure. It was great to see how their love story started from Magnus's point of view. It's not easy living forever and watching those you love die. But Magnus tells the story with wit and insight-and a flair for fashion. I don't know which scene was my favorite, but anything with Will is first. The introduction of Clary and Jocelyn and how they met Tessa made me cry too. If you love these two series, this is the perfect companion. It will tide you over until the new series is out. Magnus lived quite the life and you can chronicle it through his fashion and famous friends. I am sad to let go of Will once again and now I'm stuck hoping that the new series will have some Jace, Clary and the Lightwoods in it too. Happy reading my friends...
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