There comes a point in every Sarah Dessen novel where she crushes your heart so she can build it back up. This novel is no different. Sydney's family is in tatters. Her older, golden boy brother Peyton has hit a kid while drunk driving. Sydney feels the guilt that seemingly her family cannot. She also feels invisible. She decides to change schools to get a fresh start and winds up one day in Seaside Pizza. Here she meets the Chathams. Layla, a force to be reckoned with, Rosie, the disgraced daughter, Mrs. Chatham, fighting MS, Mr. Chatham, the affable pizza man. Oh and of course Mac, the quiet, observant totally hot brother. As the Chatham family welcomes Sydney into there warm, loving embrace, her own family gets farther and farther apart. Sydney does not know how to make her mother see that she is not her brother, that she won't make the same mistakes. She has to find her voice to make herself seen. Mac and Layla help her find her way. She will have to find way back to her mother and father, her brother and the boy who her brother hit. It all may start with "I'm sorry" With the Chathams behind her, Sydney may have the will to step out of her brother's shadow and into her own light. Sarah Dessen writes the BEST fictional boys ever. Mac is a rival to Wes. (
The Truth About Forever) I want to live in her worlds with these people she creates. They are flawed and imperfect and lovely in every way. This one touched my heart. As her books always do. If you have never read one of her novels, please do yourself a favor and pick one up- anyone will do. Happy reading my friends.
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