Who doesn't love a heist? Take six misfits with varying talents. Offer them money, big money, life changing money. Send them into an impossible situation. Throw as many challenges in their way as you can. Put them in mortal danger at every turn. Oh- what's missing you say? How about some tricky romances? Put those all together and you have the next great series from Leigh Bardugo. You may know her from the Grisha Trilogy. Well, move over Alina- Kaz Brekker is here. Katz is the leader of the Crows. He is broody, talented and out for revenge for past wrongs. Then there is Inej, the Wraith. She can get in anywhere- including Kaz's heart. Jesper, the clown, always down for an adventure. Wylan, the rich man's son, harboring a secret. Matthias, the Grisha hunter and Nina, the Grisha he is in love with- even if he can't admit it. These six crows set out on a mission that means sure death. Or the greatest payday of their lives. I LOVED this book. Each character is finely crafted and their backstories will break your heart. The mission is worthy of the risk. The mysterious Kaz will be forever on my favorite fictional boys list. Not as high as Will of course, but right next to Han, another of my favorite thieves. Bardugo has created a world that is filled with stories yet to be told, with characters that will cling to you long after you have left them to their mission. I think I liked it more than the Grisha series- more characters to love. But you can't go wrong with either. So pick this up and put it in someone's stocking and then steal if for yourself. Just make sure you are sneaky about it. Happy reading my friends and Merry Christmas!
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