I wasn't sure what book would catch my attention after finishing the Illuminae files. But leave it to an old favorite Neal Shusterman to do the trick. In his latest, Shusterman creates a world where death, corruption and politics have been conquered. Where kids jump off buildings to feel something and all it costs is a trip to a revival center. The Thunderhead is in charge of everything and the scare of an AI being evil is gone. But population must be culled so a new group is formed called Scythes. They are tasked with gleaning a certain number of people every year to keep the population down. The Scythes are like rock stars but only if you were terrified every time you saw one. Are they coming for you or your family or do they just want a hot meal? Citra and Rowan are teenagers who both come in contact with Scythe Faraday and impress him with their forthrightness. He invites them to become apprentice Scythes and both- after much thought- agree. Their training makes them stronger, smarter and with his tutelage the kind of Scythes society needs. But there is a faction of Scythes that are out for the glory, out for the kill and they are led by Scythe Goddard. In an attempt to undermine Faraday, he proposes a twist to the apprentices. The one who isn't chosen, will have to glean the other. This wasn't the plan. So now Citra and Rowan are forced to become rivals, a position neither desires. Interwoven in the story are the journals of famous Scythes. They ponder some pretty heavy topics and some very relevant topics. They gave me much to think about. I couldn't put this book down. I loved the ending, and hope this is the beginning of a series, but even if it isn't I am satisfied. I love a book that makes me think all the while entertaining me. Well done sir! It's a rainy day here in SoCal, so I plan to hop into my next book and use what little vacation time I have left. So happy reading my friends!
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