Wednesday, January 25, 2012
This book was rough. Joshua Cohen has written a book that takes high school sports, steroids, and violence to a level not often seen in YA books. It is the story of gymnast Danny, who goes through life terrified of what the football players might do to him. It is the story of Kurt, an abused, foster kid, who is a beast on the football field. He stutters, he is damaged both physically and emotionally and he tries to do what is right. When Kurt and Danny wind up on the wrong side of the top three football players, tragedy ensues. The boys feel helpless to tell anyone what they see. They both fear for their lives if they do. They feel guilt when their inaction leads to suicide. They feel powerless to fight the boys and the adults who support the football program. Both have much to lose. This is a violent book, but I'm sure it is realistic, which is terrifying. How do we put success in sports above human life? Is winning really that important? It takes extreme acts of bravery for these boys to finally make things right, but it isn't the adults who help them. I won't be putting this book in my library, it belongs in a high school because of the brutality of some of the scenes. But I am glad to have read it. I only hope that this book circulates through the right circles and we begin to place more value on the important things- and not at winning at any cost. Happy Reading my friends.
Sunday, January 22, 2012
A Conspiracy of Kings
One of my all time favorite characters is The Thief of Attolia- Eugenides. I have followed him through 3 books as he went from thief to king. This is the fourth book of the series. If follows his friend Sophos, on his quest to become King of Sounis. Gen works behind the scenes to assure the success of his friend and the survival of his people. I enjoyed watching Sophos change from a spoiled boy to a clever and courageous king. I also enjoy the very different queens of Attolia and Eddis and the intertwined relationships they have with Gen and Sophos. There is a lot of intrigue and mystery to this book as Sophos is held captive and has to work his way free. You are also unsure whose side Gen may be on. All and all it was a good book, but unless you have read the other three, I wouldn't start here. I would recommend you go back and read The Thief where you will see Gen get his start. Happy reading my friends.
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
The Scorpio Races
It isn't often that I am left speechless about a book. It isn't often I stop reading a book because I don't want it to end. Nothing I say here will do this book justice. But I'm going to try. This book is like a cool breeze blowing off the ocean. It is a whispered promise of the power of love. It is a piece of your favorite cake shared with friends. It satisfied my soul. Too dramatic? Too bad. This is the tale of Puck and Sean and the water horses of Thisby Island. It is about loyalty. It is about courage. It is about family. It is about strength of character. It is about believing in yourself no matter what everyone else is saying. It is about standing for something in the face of adversity. It is about finding someone who shares your soul. Puck is a teenage girl whose parents were killed by the capaill uisce on the water. Sean is a teenage boy whose father is killed in the Scorpio Races by the capaill uisce. It is the story of Corr, the horse that Sean loves and the story of Dove, the horse that Puck loves. It is about a race that claims more lives than it allows to finish. Both Puck and Sean have extraordinary reasons they must win the race, saving a horse or saving a house and family. Puck will be the first girl to ever ride in the race. Sean has won for the last four years. The stakes are phenomenal. Of course the stakes change as relationships are built. Oh, there is the usual bad guy, Mutt Malvern, the son of the stable owner. There is the threat that Puck's brother is going to leave for the mainland and never come back. There is the fact that Puck is riding a regular horse and not one of the capaill uisce (water horses). And there is the fact that Puck and Sean have fallen in love. This is a quiet book and it's hero, Sean Kendrick, is a quiet hero. He is still and thoughtful and spare of movement. I want to be more like him. Puck is all elbows and emotion and heart. Together, they are the perfect pair. I even love the "American" George Holly , who is on the island to buy horses. Gosh, I'm sad this book is over. The end was a complete surprise, even though I snuck some peaks. I hope you read this book. I hope you get goosebumps like I did. I hope you love Sean and Puck like I do. Let me know. Happy Reading my friends.
Saturday, January 7, 2012
The Space Between
One of my favorite shows is Supernatural. No, not because of the cute Winchester boys, (well, maybe just a little), but because they seem to weave such interesting mythology into the show. I recently read that every story line has to be based on plausible events. So Lilith and Lucifer are quite familiar ideas. The Space Between by Brenna Yovanoff tells the story of Daphne, the daughter of Lilith and Lucifer. She lives in Hell, where everything is hot and gray. She is surrounded by her succubus sisters with their metal teeth. She has a half brother Obie, who is the only person she loves and the only person who loves her. When Obie tells her he is leaving to live on Earth, Daphne can hardly stand it. She knows Azrael, the angel, will kill him if he tries to stay on earth. As Daphne tries to stop Obie from leaving, a half human boy is found and Daphne is inexplicably drawn to him. The boy is sent back to earth and Obie leaves with him. When Obie disappears, Daphne's mother sends her to earth to find him. Daphne has only one link to her brother, the boy -Truman. The story continues with Daphne trying to keep Truman alive long enough to find her brother. This book is quite odd. Many interesting things happen, it is violent, and there is a great love story. That being said, it probably isn't for everyone, but I couldn't put it down. Yovanoff is the author of another book I read this summer The Replacement , which is also an odd but interesting read. If you are into the supernatural, this is really a unique read. Last weekend of my break, so I'm off to enjoy it. Happy Reading my friends.
Friday, January 6, 2012
The Gray Wolf Throne
I ended 2011 with Will Herondale and start 2012 with Han Alister. I love when I find a series that has a couple of books already out so I don't have to wait for sequels. The Seven Realms series is one of those. Of course, I am now caught up and have to wait for the next one with everyone else. This is one of my favorite series for many reasons. 1. There is a strong female character- Raisa- future queen of the Fells, who is determined to make her queendom a better place. 2. Han- the streetlord turned wizard, who can't decide if he loves Raisa or hates her. 3. Amon Byrne- loyal best friend and captain of the guard, who chooses duty over his love for Raisa and 4. Crazy political intrigue between all the factions with an interest in the Fells and the Seven Realms. What is it about a bad boy turned hero that gets me every time? Han, Amon and Raisa spend this book trying to survive in order to get Raisa home in time for her coronation. There is a murder mystery, an internal struggle for power and the enduring love story between Han and Raisa. And what the heck is Micah Bayar's deal? Can't decide what side he is really on and what his game is. The end of this novel leaves Raisa in quite a tangle. She is most definitely very outspoken and this does not always sit well with those she disagrees with. Can she marry for love, or must she marry for political gain? Will Han stick around if he doesn't get what he wants- Raisa all to himself? Will Reid Nightwalker win his bid for the queen's heart? AHHHHHHH! I loved this book and will continue to look forward to any sequels that are to come- So, Han sits atop my top fictional boy list, even though he is a blonde, for the time being. What to read next?? Hmmm, have to check the pile. Happy Reading in 2012 my friends!
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Court of Silver Flames
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