When last we left Araby, she had found out her father caused the deadly plague devastating their city. The love of her life had turned her over to the enemy to save his siblings. And she had thrown her lot in with Elliot, the prince, who is trying to overthrow his evil uncle for control of the city. In this sequel, Araby and Elliot, along with April, Kent and Will, are on the hunt to find Araby's father to see if he can reverse the plague he has created and save April's life. But being around Will creates tension with Araby. She is so hurt by his betrayal, but still longs for what they have lost. And Elliot. He is no longer pretending to love her. He may actually have feelings for her, but can she trust someone so untrustworthy. Araby uses Elliot to get back into the city to find her father. Will insists on going along. Talk about a love triangle. In the meantime, Prospero, the evil ruler, is planning a party for one thousand of the citizens. Araby's mother is one of the "guests" i.e. prisoners, at the manor. In order to save the city and those she loves, Araby must enter the heart of the manor and play Prospero's game. In the balance are the boys she may love, her parents and best friend, along with the fate of her city. All the while avoiding catching the two diseases that are wiping out the citizens. Bethany Griffin has used Poe's story to weave an entirely new one. It is filled with action, intrigue and romance. Can Araby forgive Will and give in to her feelings? Can she save April? Can she keep the children save? And can she make peace with the evil things her father and mother have done? This was a great conclusion to the series (of two). It is an interesting story of destruction and redemption. Happy reading my friends!
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