Coney Island has been destroyed by what has walked out of the ocean. Lyric Walker is on the run with her best friend Bex and her enemy Arcade. Her family has been captured by Tempest. Her love, Fathom, has perished in the battle. All Lyric wants is to rescue her parents and all the other Alphas and kill the Ruskala and take back the coast. Easy. Or not. As Lyric makes her way to her parents she is chased, shot at and threatened by almost everyone she meets. See, the country thinks she is the terrorist who caused the whole ruckus to begin with. So everyone is looking for her. Lyric has discovered she is half Sirena- a creature who can control the water. And not only that, there is a whole world of creatures living in the sea who are about to come out to play. When she is captured by Tempest, she finds that the plan they have for her is more horrifying than she could have imagined. But Lyric will do anything to save her family and her people, no matter the cost to herself. And what a battle it will be. This is the second novel in the series and it was hard to put down. It's rare that parents are alive in YA literature so that is an interesting twist that hold Lyric accountable to what she does. The Alphas are all unique and terrifying and the love triangle will, I'm sure, heat up in the next book-(which is waiting on my kitchen counter). I recommend this series- it's an easy fantasy book for those just getting their feet wet with the genre. (pun intended) Happy reading my friends!
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