What a way to end 2011-
Legend by Marie Lu ! This is the story of a criminal- Day and a soldier- June, whose paths cross in a tragic event. One becomes hunter the other the prey when a set of nefarious circumstances lead June to believe that Day has killed her brother. The story is set in post apocalyptic America where the United States had divided into two warring countries. The Republic and the Colonies are at war and these two teenagers are caught up in the evil that war brings. Day is a criminal who spends his days trying to thwart the Republic- but never killing anyone. He is trying to protect his family, his mom, and two brothers, John and Eden. When Eden contracts the Plague, Day is determined to steal the cure from a hospital. It is there that he runs into June's brother Metias who is a soldier trying to stop Day. At the end of the evening, Metias is dead, and Day is the prime suspect. June sets out to find Day and bring him to justice for her brother's murder. The catch- Day didn't kill Metias. As June comes to this realization, she uncovers just how evil the Republic is and works to save Day from execution. This was a super great book that had me at hello! It is told in alternating chapters from June and Day's perspectives. June is a lot like Katniss- strong, brilliant, independent. Day is the underdog hero of his community. Sparks fly when they meet- I mean what is the apocalypse without a little romance. Lu used
Les Miserables as a format and threw in a little
Tale of Two Cities in at the end. The book left room for a sequel and I'm sure we will see June and Day sometime in 2012 fighting the good fight. I for one look forward to a new year of books. Happy New Year and happy reading my friends!
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