Charlie has just taken the throne as the rightful queen of Ludania. One problem- she is not alone. I mean really not alone. An evil being- the essence- of a long ago queen is residing inside her and she is trying to everything she can to keep control of her own mind and body. Those closest to Charlie- her sister Angelina, Brooke, Aron and the love of her life Max, are all trying to help her change the country for the better. But each of them feels something may be amiss. As Charlie tries to learn the ways of her queendom, she must fight the voice insider her head that wields an evil power. Sabara wants to control Charlie, or for Charlie to let her loose on another royal queen. When she is called to a Summit of all the queens of the land, an assassination attempt leads Charlie and her friends on an adventure that may in death. This book is a sequel to a great one called
The Pledge by Kimberley Derting. Charlie is an interesting character, rising from nothing to rule a country. When all her plans seem to meet with resistance, she realizes how hard it is to run a government- some things never change. When she uses her powers to save her sister, she may have broken trust with all who love her. I am sure this is not the end of this story- Sabara has got to go! She needs to be reunited with her love Nico. Max and Charlie need to live happily ever after and Brooke and Aron need to face the fact that they are in love. Well, my friends, spring break is over and it's back to work I go. Summer is just around the corner and so are more great books. Happy E
aster and happy reading my friends.
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