Oh Darrow, how I missed you! This novel is the conclusion of the
Red Rising series by Pierce Brown. It is the story of a society based on colors, where the Golds sought to repress all other colors to their benefit. Darrow is a Red- a lowly miner on Mars. But he is carved into a Gold to overthrow their system after his wife is killed for her resistance. Darrow becomes the face of the Rising- the Reaper and finds a band of loyal friends who are sympathetic to this cause. They come from all colors and each is more interesting than the next. When the book opens, Darrow is at the mercy of the Jackal and is being kept in a box, losing all hope. By some miracle Sevrus- Ares, finds him, frees him and sets in motion a war to end all wars. Darrow must reconcile with his love, Mustang, sister of the Jackal, who has an amazing secret of her own! He must decide if he can once again trust Cassius, who was once like a brother. He must try and get Roque back on his side and he must use Ragnar to control the Valkaries in order to win the day. Much evil is done. Many die. Even your favorite characters. You know who you are! But this is a fitting end to an incredible series. It is not an easy read- there are complicated plots involving government and battle. It reads more adult than YA. But if you can handle some warfare and violence, the pay off is fantastic. But you can't start here, you must go back to the beginning. I truly enjoyed this series and recommend it to advanced readers. Happy reading my friends- howwwwwllllll!!
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