Thursday, December 24, 2015

Six of Crows

Who doesn't love a heist? Take six misfits with varying talents. Offer them money, big money, life changing money. Send them into an impossible situation. Throw as many challenges in their way as you can. Put them in mortal danger at every turn. Oh- what's missing you say? How about some tricky romances? Put those all together and you have the next great series from Leigh Bardugo. You may know her from the Grisha Trilogy. Well, move over Alina- Kaz Brekker is here. Katz is the leader of the Crows. He is broody, talented and out for revenge for past wrongs. Then there is Inej, the Wraith. She can get in anywhere- including Kaz's heart. Jesper, the clown, always down for an adventure. Wylan, the rich man's son, harboring a secret. Matthias, the Grisha hunter and Nina, the Grisha he is in love with- even if he can't admit it. These six crows set out on a mission that means sure death. Or the greatest payday of their lives. I LOVED this book. Each character is finely crafted and their backstories will break your heart. The mission is worthy of the risk. The mysterious Kaz will be forever on my favorite fictional boys list. Not as high as Will of course, but right next to Han, another of my favorite thieves. Bardugo has created a world that is filled with stories yet to be told, with characters that will cling to you long after you have left them to their mission. I think I liked it more than the Grisha series- more characters to love. But you can't go wrong with either. So pick this up and put it in someone's stocking and then steal if for yourself. Just make sure you are sneaky about it. Happy reading my friends and Merry Christmas!

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Carry On

Well, Rainbow Rowell is three for three. First I fell in love with Eleanor and Park. Then Fangirl. And now Carry On. This is the story of Simon Snow and Baz, the fictional characters that Cath writes about in Fangirl. Rowell has taken this story within a story and made it a story of it's own. Confused? Don't be. This is a story that stands on it's own. It is a Harry Potter for a more mature audience. Simon is at Watford School for Magicians. He is roommates with his evil archenemy Baz Pitch. Pitch is a vampire, maybe. He is always out to kill Simon, maybe. They will be the death of each other, maybe. Simon has his faithful sidekick Penny and his uninterested girlfriend Agatha. He is seemingly always about to be killed by some horrible monster and has no control of his immense store of magic. He is the Mage's Heir. He is destined for great things. He just doesn't know what. There is an unlikely love story that I loved. There is magic. Heroic deeds. And the most hilarious spells ever! This is an amazingly funny story with a touching heart. I couldn't get enough. It is told from many points of view which gave great insight into everyone's perspective. I can't say enough nice things about this book. I'm sad it's over. I don't think there will be more, but I will cast my spell, I wish I may, I wish I might that this isn't the last I've read about Simon and Baz. If you haven't spent any time in Rainbow Rowell's worlds, run, don't walk to the nearest place to get books and take your pick. Happy reading my friends!

Saturday, December 5, 2015


Kyla has been in the hospital for nine month and now she is going home to her family. A family she has never met. In fact, she doesn't know who she is or why she was slated. Only criminals are slated- minds wiped and given a second chance. Kyla must find a way to fit into her new family. She is monitored by her Levo which is wired into her wrist and keeps track of her emotions. If she gets to upset or sad or angry, she will pass out or worse, die. But Kyla starts to have memories of her previous self. She is more alert than most slated. When others start to disappear, Kyla gets her friend Ben involved. But Ben is not as savvy as Kyla and he isn't content to sit back and observe. Kyla must try to convince him not to do anything stupid, like join the AGT terrorist group. Society is divided to two factions trying to control their population. The closer Kyla gets to the truth of her life, the more danger she and her new family are in. She is determined to find Ben and figure out her place in both the past and the present. I enjoyed this novel. No one is what they seem, everyone seems to have major secrets that will somehow impact the plot. Not sure what they are yet, as this is, of course, book one. Kyla is no damsel in distress and I look forward to seeing what her true skills are. Happy reading my friends.

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Another Day

I love David Levithan's books. Haven't read one I disliked. One of my favorites was Everyday. It is the story of A, who jumps to a new body every day. He meets Rhiannon and falls in love and for the first time, tells someone about his life and his rules. He leaves her with Alexander, in hopes she can find happiness with him. Well this book is the same story from Rhiannon's point of view. It shares her feelings as she learns of A's life, his feelings for her, and her dysfunctional relationship with Justin. She must decide if the outside of a person matters if you love the inside. She must decide if she can deal with the life A presents to her. She must decide if her own happiness is more important than what other people think. I couldn't put this book down. I put off reading it for a while because the first one made me sad and happy, but mostly sad. This one leave me with more hope. If I could send David Levithan a post-it note, it would have a big, red heart on it. It doesn't matter which book you read first, it just matters that you read these books. It will make you question what is important and reaffirm that YOU are important. The kids in my classes who have read this will love this tale told from the other side. Know I did! Happy reading my friends!

Friday, November 27, 2015

After the End

Well, that was fast. I picked up this book earlier today and couldn't put it down. This is Juneau's story. She is living in post apocalyptic Alaska with her clan. She is set to become the Sage of her clan when she gets older. When she is out on a hunt, her clan goes missing and she sets off to find them. To do this she must go outside the barrier her clan has set. Only one thing- there was no apocalypse. There was no WWIII. Life is normal outside their isolated land. Miles is the spoiled son of a pharmaceutical
owner. He is biding time until he goes to Yale. He has done something stupid and is trying to get back into his father's good graces. When he hears that his father is looking for a missing Alaskan girl, he decides if he can find her, maybe his father will help him get back into Yale. Juneau gets a message to look for someone who's name will take her far. Lo and behold she finds Miles and they team up, each with ulterior motives. What they don't expect is to actually like each other, despite the betrayals. Juneau must convince him that magic can exist and Miles must defy his father to keep her safe. You see, Juneau holds the key to a revolutionary drug that Miles' father will do anything to possess. Of course, Juneau doesn't realize this is one of the multitude of lies her family has told her. Together they go on the run to find the answers Juneau is looking for as she searches for her family. I loved this book, especially the beginning when you aren't sure if these are characters in the same story! It is told in alternative chapters and the action doesn't stop. So make sure you have a couple of free hours to get lost on their journey. Looking forward to the next book, which I will be picking up on Monday! Happy reading my friends!!

Cruel Beauty

Nyx was raised to save her world. On her seventeenth birthday, she is to be married to the Gentle Lord. She is then to kill him and avenge her mother and the deal her father made. She has spent her life resenting her father for making this deal and her sister for being the twin her father loved. As she goes to her new husband, Ignifex, she finds that killing him isn't going to be as easy as she thought. Then there is Shade, who only comes out at night and looks stunningly similar to Ignifex. He is the opposite of her husband, kind and helpful. She looks to him to help her take down her husband and restore her world. But things take longer than she had planned, and Nyx finds her husband to be more and more interesting. Eventually she falls in love with him. But she has made promises to her family that they are not going to allow her to break. She must decide if she can betray the only one who has ever loved her for a family who never really cared. Her choice may reset the world and leave Ignifex and Shade to the whims of the Kindly Ones who are not what their names may imply. Nyx must find a way back through her memories to save her husband and outsmart the demons. What will this cost her? Is it a price worth paying? This book wasn't my favorite. It was okay, a little confusing in parts and probably not something I would recommend considering all the great books out there. It is an interesting concept, the duality of the villain and how that is portrayed, but not enough to make my favorites list. With only a couple of days of vacation left, my next book awaits. Not sure what it will be, but there is no end to my stack. Happy reading my friends!

Sunday, November 22, 2015


It is always interesting to see how a villain becomes a villain. Sometimes, you even feel sorry for them a little bit. But then you catch yourself and remember that just because bad things happen to you doesn't mean you have to make life miserable for others. This is the story of Levana from the Lunar Chronicles series by Marissa Meyer. It's one of my favorites and since the last book has just come out, I thought I should quickly read the companion novel of Levana. So, sitting in the sand at Newport Beach, I learned how the evil queen became the evil queen. I learned how Selene was born, how she was disposed of and how the next book will be about Winter, Levana's step daughter. I learned that Levana had a horrible childhood thanks to her eviler sister. And how she took that out on Evert, the man she loved who didn't love her back. I learned why she is determined to marry Kai. Meyer is a great writer, who has weaved so many fairy tales together into an epic series. I enjoyed this book and can't wait to get my copy of Winter so I can see who gets a happily ever after- and it better be all my favorites! Thorne, Cress, Scarlet, Wolf, Cinder and Kai. I'm counting on the end of this fairy tale series to have the ultimate fairy tale ending! Happy reading my friends!!

Thursday, November 19, 2015

The Dead House

I picked up this book and flipped through it and loved the way the story was going to be told. Diary entries, video transcripts, post it notes, emails etc. Unfortunately, that is the thing I loved best about the book. This is the story of Katilyn and Carly. They share the same body. Carly is in charge of the day and Kaitlyn is in charge of the night. They speak to each other through post it notes and a message book. They have different friends and personalities. They have experienced the trauma of their parents dying and cannot remember what happened. When Carly goes missing, Kaitlyn is determined to bring her back. Carly's friend Naida offers to help. She is versed in the art of Mala and Grundi, dark arts. She thinks she can get into Kait's mind and search out Carly and bring her back. Several other friends offer their help, but one of them may actually have caused the problem.  This is a creepy story and may be complicated for some readers to follow. Some terrible things happen and the ending is unresolved- as any good haunted tale will leave you. The concept of this book is interesting, sharing your body with another person and having no control for half the day. But overall, I don't know that I would recommend it to my 8th graders, maybe for a more mature high school age kid. The author definitely is creative and has a beautiful way with words. Approaching a week long vacation with a stack of books a mile high. Happy reading my friends!

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Queen of Shadows

Aelin. Aedion, Chaol. Rowan. Lysandra. Manon. Dorian. 645 pages of heart in throat reading. This is book 4 in the Throne of Glass series, so if this is your first time hearing about it, go back to book one and begin your epic journey with these spectacular characters. Aelin has finally come into her power and she is back in Rifthold to take out the King who has imprisoned her friend Dorian. She has actually come to kill Dorian and release him from the evil Valg prince inside him. Along the way she must reconcile with Chaol *sigh* and free her cousin from his execution. Oh, and free magic so that she can regain her kingdom. Busy assassin. Sarah Maas has created an amazing world filled with unforgettable characters. I am part glad I am finished and part sad that this part of the journey is over. I have mixed emotions about the romantic aspects of this book,  I really love Chaol and Rowan equally. I'm a little sad ,if truth be told, by the current situation. But I'll remind myself these are fictional characters and try and move on with my life. I love this series for the strong, independent female characters like Manon, head of the 13 who must decide if blind obedience is really her path. Or Lysandra, who gives up her own safety to protect a young girl. Or Asterin who must face death at Manon's hand for speaking up for what is right. And also for Sorscha and Nehemiah who gave up their lives in previous books to do what was right. This may be my favorite series ever, right up there with the Demon King series. Maas also has another series I am anxiously awaiting a sequel too. If you enjoy a world of Fae, shifters and supernatural shenanigans, I think you will fall in love with this world. It may even break you heart a little. Happy reading my friends!

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Saint Anything

There comes a point in every Sarah Dessen novel where she crushes your heart so she can build it back up. This novel is no different. Sydney's family is in tatters. Her older, golden boy brother Peyton has hit a kid while drunk driving. Sydney feels the guilt that seemingly her family cannot. She also feels invisible. She decides to change schools to get a fresh start and winds up one day in Seaside Pizza. Here she meets the Chathams. Layla, a force to be reckoned with, Rosie, the disgraced daughter, Mrs. Chatham, fighting MS, Mr. Chatham, the affable pizza man. Oh and of course Mac, the quiet, observant totally hot brother. As the Chatham family welcomes Sydney into there warm, loving embrace, her own family gets farther and farther apart. Sydney does not know how to make her mother see that she is not her brother, that she won't make the same mistakes. She has to find her voice to make herself seen. Mac and Layla help her find her way. She will have to find way back to her mother and father, her brother and the boy who her brother hit. It all may start with "I'm sorry" With the Chathams behind her, Sydney may have the will to step out of her brother's shadow and into her own light. Sarah Dessen writes the BEST fictional boys ever. Mac is a rival to Wes. (The Truth About Forever) I want to live in her worlds with these people she creates. They are flawed and imperfect and lovely in every way. This one touched my heart. As her books always do. If you have never read one of her novels, please do yourself a favor and pick one up- anyone will do. Happy reading my friends.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Midnight Thief

Kyra has always had to find a way to take care of herself. She has skills- she can climb, she is clever, she can get into places others cannot. Her skill have gotten her a reputation in the city. When James, the leader of the Assassin's Guild offers her a job, she can't say no. She has people who are depending on her to provide for them. She knows it will be nice to have coin in her pocket, even though her best friends Flick and Bella are none too happy with her choice. Then there is Tristam. His best friend is killed by a Demon Cat and it's rider. Tristam is a knight and has vowed to hunt down the cat that killed his friend. When Kyra and Tristam cross paths, their goals are at odds. James asks her to do something she just isn't willing to do. But if she doesn't he has threatened those she loves. But is teaming up with Tristam going to make things better for Kyra? When things go wrong, Kyra finds that she isn't who she thought she was and maybe she holds more cards than anyone gives her credit for. I enjoyed the twist near the end of this book and should have seen it coming. The characters are interesting and you definitely root for them. Kyra is a strong female character and Tristam isn't scared of that. I get to meet the author tomorrow, so I'm super excited. And I can't wait to read the next book. Happy reading my friends!

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Winter Falls

The Benandanti vs. the Malandanti. They are fighting for control of the world's magic. Clans are called to serve each and protect the seven points of magic in the world. Alessia is just a normal girl, living with her mother in Maine. Then she starts having dreams of turning into a falcon. Before she knows it, she finds out she IS turning into a falcon as she has been called by the Benandanti to serve the clan protecting the waterfall in Twin Willows, behind her very house. The problem is, the Guild is trying to build a power plant on the waterfall. The Guild is led by the Wolfe Family. Their twins,  Jonah and Bree are mysterious and aloof. But Jonah and Alessia soon find themselves attracted to each other. As their relationship grows, Alessia must decide if she can trust Jonah with her secret. Jonah has secrets of his own and when the battle for Twin Willows grows the most tense, their worlds collide. What happens when your greatest love is also your greatest enemy? Romeo and Juliet anyone? I enjoyed this first book in the series and look forward to reading the rest, along with meeting their author. The connection to Italy was a nice addition to the story, it reminded me a lot about my own family. And made me hungry for meatballs. If you are up for a supernatural love story, this is a fast paced, easy adventure. So choose you side, figure out who you can believe and keep a window open, you never know when you'll be called! Happy reading my friends!!

Sunday, September 13, 2015


In two weeks we are having four authors come and visit. Stephanie Diaz is one of them so I figure that it is my responsibility to read at least one of each of their books. I finished Zodiac by Romina Russell and I ordered the other books. Before this one arrived I started Sarah Dessen's new book- which is immediately addicting, but I had to put it down when my box arrived. I decided to start with this one. I planned to read about 50 pages a day so I could get the 3 books remaining finished by the 25th. Day one and 350 pages later, I realized that there was no way to put this book down. And that math has no place in my reading life.  It is the story of Clementine. She lived on the surface of her planet. Her life expectancy is short. She has no family, only Logan, the boy she may love. She has one chance to get off the surface and go to the Core. But she must be Promising. She must make it to Extraction, where she will be allowed to live a long and prosperous life. Or so she's told. But this would mean leaving Logan behind and never seeing him again. He didn't make Extraction and his fate is to live a few more years and then be replaced. When Clementine is selected, she finds that life in the Core isn't all it is promised and that she will have to do things that go against her beliefs if she wants to survive. She is determined to find a way to save Logan. None of her new life is what she expects and she soon finds herself running from the very people she thought would save her. I really enjoyed this book. It reminds me of Atlantia by Allie Condie. I couldn't put it down. I am looking forward to reading the rest of the series, of course, I don't have book two- only book three. Typical. I guess I'll have to force myself to go to the bookstore to get the next one. In the meantime, I'm on to the next author and I don't think I'll be able to put this one down either! If only there were no papers to grade... at least I'm done with Hell on Wheels for now, so I'll have more time to read. Happy reading my friends!

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Con Academy

Will arrives at Connaughton Academy with one thing on his mind- his next con. What he doesn't expect is the Andrea has already been running one of her own. And she's onto him.  The school just isn't big enough for two teenage con artists so they strike a deal. Whoever can get their mark to cough up 10,000 dollars first gets to stay. The other has to high tail it out of there. Enter Brandt Rush. Super rich kid. Super jerk. So deserving of being conned. And the heck with 10,000 dollars. Will is going to take him for 2 million. What could possibly stand in his way? Not his con artist dad, or his con artist uncle. Not a headmaster who knows he is a fraud. Not Brandt himself. Certainly not Gatsby, the girl who works in the library. Or will she? Will has to decide if living a con is really who he wants to be. This is a quick, fun read with lots of twists and turns. You never really know who is being conned. You never know who to trust. So pick up this little gem and "may the best con win". Trust me!  Happy reading my friends!

Monday, September 7, 2015


Rho is from House Cancer. She is a normal teenage girl, going to school to learn to read the stars and playing with a band. She admires a fine boy from afar and is happy with her family. Until the moon she is on collides with another and her life is turned upside down. She amazingly winds up leading her House as it's Guardian. With that the boy she has long admired becomes her Advisor and maybe something more. As Rho tries to figure out what happened to her home, an evil force is making it's way through the galaxy. The mythical 13th house of the Zodiac, let by a childhood monster Ochus. When Ochus attacks Rho, no one believes her, not even Mathias. She must find a way to convince the other 11 houses to band together to fight this monster. Her only friend is Hysan, the Libran Guardian who always has a plan and a twinkle in his eye. He alone believes what she has foretold in the stars and is willing to risk everything to help her. Everything that can go wrong, will go wrong. Rho has to believe in herself against all those who are telling her she is wrong, or childish, or a traitor. This is the first book in a series and ends with a definite... dun dun dun. There is adventure, betrayal, and of course a love triangle between Rho, Mathias and Hysan. There is an epic setting only confined by the imagination. And there will be a rematch. "As we Librans know, those who think in only straight lines cannot see around a curve." Well, this Gemini enjoyed Rho's story and wishes all signs of the Zodiac, happy reading my friends.

Sunday, August 30, 2015


They say don't judge a book by it's cover, but the cover of this book is why I picked it up. It just felt right. Only book lovers will understand that. This one didn't let me down. While it will not be on the shelf in my 8th grade classroom, it will be something I recommend to those who have gone on to high school- if you're still following my blog. This is the story of Hannah. She is fifteen and seemingly making terrible choices in the boy department. A lot of terrible choices. The kind of choices that will change her life. Then there is Aaron. He is running from his own terrible choice. He is heartbroken and damaged and not sure what his purpose in life is. Well, they meet. And Aaron doesn't want Hannah for what the other boys do and this confuses her. He sees her for who she really is and not who the others believer her to be. She isn't easy to befriend, there is a huge chip on her shoulder. But he needs a purpose in life and when they find out Hannah is pregnant, Aaron defines what a best friend is. Someone who sticks by you no matter the consequence. Someone who sticks up for you when it is the hardest. Someone who faces the devastatingly scary future by your side. Hannah didn't know what that kind of friend was until Aaron. Aaron finds being Hannah's friend gives him back his purpose in life. This is a beautiful book told from both Hannah and Aaron's perspectives. The characters grow and change as they become more than best friends, they become family. It is a hopeful book. Even if life throws curves your way, with a friend by your side, you can face anything. A best friend can help you heal. A best friend can throw you a lifeline. You just have to let them in. This is a book of mature content, so be warned. It is NOT for a younger or immature reader. It is also a British book, so some of the terminology can be confusing. That being said, I loved Trouble and look forward to reading more books by this author. Happy reading my friends!

Sunday, August 23, 2015

The Wondrous and the Wicked

Oh my friends, the beginning of the school year and a marathon Netflix binge of Hell on Wheels, (Cullen Bohannon I think I love you) has consumed my usual reading time. But today I finally finished the Dispossessed Trilogy. The story of Luc and Ingrid, the gargoyle and the Duster, Nolan and Gabby, the demon hunter and the wannabe demon hunter, Grayson and Chelle, the hellhound and the girl who could never love a hellhound, all mixed in with the evil Axia, the demon with angel blood who wants to take over the world. Ingrid is trying to figure out the best ways to use her powers to take down Axia, who is trying to reclaim her angel blood from Ingrid. She is also trying to figure out a way to have a life with Luc, who is forbidden to have one with a human. Gabby is in hiding after killing a gargoyle, longing for Nolan to reach out to her after he sent her away. And Grayson. Ingrid's twin just wants to make things right for his family while fighting his hellhound blood. One will lose their life saving the others. One will find true love. One will be given the greatest gift imaginable. I will miss this world of the Paris gargoyles. It is such a clever premise. If you love a good supernatural thriller set in the City of Lights, start with the Beautiful and the Cursed. If you don't fall in love with Luc and Nolan, Grayson and Rory and even Hugh, then maybe the city will pull you in. Just find a safe place and hope a gargoyle will be watching over your shoulder. Happy reading my friends.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

The Night Gardener

Molly and Kip are on their own. Their parents are gone and they must find a way to make a living. Molly has found them jobs working for the Windsors. Kip will tend the gardens and Molly will work in the house taking care of it and the kids. But something strange happens. Kip sees a strange man watering the giant tree that is part of the house. And Molly keeps finding muddy footprints in everyone's room. Plus all the members of the house seem to have nightmares. Their health is fading. Their appearances are changing, yet still the tree grows and grows. Then there is the mystery of the room with the green door. Molly is told never to go in there. But being curious, that doesn't last long. See, the tree gives the person in the room whatever their heart's desire is. But there is a cost, one that Kip and Molly are not willing to pay. This is a creepy tale of strange happenings and brave kids. It shows the power of a good story and what that can do. And it tells the tale of the bond between siblings who have no one but each other. I liked, not loved, this book. Kip and Molly are plucky Irish kids wise beyond their years. If you like a creepy tale, this one may be for you. Happy reading my friends.

Thursday, July 23, 2015


This was a good summer for finishing some of my favorite series'. This one is no different. Remember Logan and Rachel? From Defiance? Or their friends- Willow, Quinn, Connor, Ian, Frank, Nola, Drake? They were fighting the Commander, who had killed many of their loved ones. He is trying to take over the other city-state by using the underground creatures called the tanniyn. He who commands the creatures can take over cities in an instant. Well Logan has found a way to control them and he has to choose between trying to find Rachel- the love of his life, and saving his people from destruction. Luckily, Logan is a multi-tasker and decides he will do both. So while Rachel is in the clutches of Ian and his evil minions, Quinn must follow her to keep her from being killed. Meanwhile, Logan and Willow are headed in the opposite directions trying to figure out a way to take out the Commander and avenge their loved ones. This is a great series. The characters are loyal and inventive. They are brave adn willing to sacrifice for the greater good. But most of all, they show how family doesn't have to be all about who you are related to, but about who is going to be with you when the going gets rough. Also, I am a sucker for a happily ever after. Happy Reading my friends!

Half Wild

Nathan is an abomination. His father is the most feared and powerful witch in England- a Black Witch. His mother was a White Witch. Which means Nathan is shunned by both factions of Witches. He is desperate. His girlfriend has been taken by a White Witch and put into a deep sleep. And she won't let her go until Nathan kills his father and brings her his heart or head. Nathan has no intention of killing his father, but is determined to save Annalise, who also happens to be a White Witch. Along with his friend Gabriel, Nathan embarks on a mission to find her, and also bring the two sides together to take down the Council. They team up with Van and Nesbitt to cobble together a group willing to go up against the Council and the Hunters. Of course there are roadblocks along the way, not the least of all is the fact that Nathan finds that he really likes his father. There is an unconventional love triangle, a massive betrayal and a devastating sacrifice that lead Nathan far from the path he started on. He may find he is more Black Witch than he likes to admit. And that's not necessarily a bad thing. I really enjoy this series, it is a fast read filled with action and adventure. No one is as they seem and you never know who you will fall in love with along the way. Start at the beginning with Half Bad and join Nathan on his quest to find out who he really is. Happy reading my friends~!

Sunday, July 12, 2015


I really liked this book. It is the story of Atlantia, a civilization built below the water, that was created to save some of the people from the dying world Above. All Rio wants is to go Above and live. Her sister Bay wants to stay Below. Rio has promised Bay that she will stay below with her, they are all they have in the world- twins, who just lost their mother. On choosing day Rio makes the sacrifice and chooses to stay Below. Then it is Bay's turn. And to Rio's horror, Bay chooses to go live Above. Rio is shattered, she doesn't even have the chance to ask her sister why. So she sets out to find a way to get
Above to find her sister. The only one she can turn to is her Aunt Maire. Maire was estranged from Rio's mother. Oh, and Maire is a siren- she can persuade people with just her voice. Rio doesn't think she can trust Maire for many reasons. Then she meets True. And he feels like home. But she really doesn't have time to fall in love because she is determined to leave. And he belongs Below. But Below is dying and need the Above to help. Maire, True and Rio must find a way to convice the people Above that the Below is worth saving. It will take a special voice to get this job done. Did I mention that Rio was a siren too? But she has been hiding her voice to keep herself safe. Will she break that silence to save Atlantia and all she loves? This is a great little novel. It wraps up nicely, no need for a sequel. It is a great message to everyone to listen and then use your voice when you have something to say. Happy reading my friends!

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Stolen- A Heart of Dread novel

Nat and Wes have separated. Nat has to learn to use her new power as a Drakonrydder. She alone can save the world from ice and bring back the Blue. Wes has to find his twin sister. She was stolen when they were children and he has been trying to find her ever since. They promise to find each other when they can. Circumstances lead to that happening sooner than later. Forces are aligning that bring the love struck couple together in an attempt to save their friends. Someone is calling to Nat for help and she must answer the call. Wes's path takes a similar route, as his sister seems to be being held in the same place as Liannon. The gang of friends, along with the drau- Faix, race to save them before it is too late. Nat must learn to harness her power to save her friends and maybe Will has some powers of his own that may help the cause. When they find Eliza and Liannon, not all is well. And not all is as it seems. Magic requires sacrifice, often the greatest sacrifice one can give. Will Nat and Wes be able to pay the price? This is the second book in the series, so you know what that means- cliffhanger, everyone in peril, bad guy miraculously still alive, no hope in sight. Who could ask for anything more?! I really like these characters, no one is weak or needy. Of course there's the typical, does he/she love me or does he/she not. It wouldn't be YA without that. But it is really kept to a minimum which is good, because we know they belong together! Gonna check and see when book three arrives so I can make room on my ever filling shelves. Happy reading my friends!

Thursday, July 9, 2015

The Young World

The adults are all dead. The young children are all dead. The rest wait to die on their 18th birthdays. The sickness has taken over the world. The kids have divided themselves into societies in New York. Jefferson lives with the Washington Square Tribe. His brother Wash is it's leader. But Wash has just turned 18 and dies, leaving Jefferson in charge. He is in love with his longtime best friend Donna, who of course, doesn't know he loves her. But she loves him too, but he, of course, doesn't know this. A small group of them go on a run to the library to find some research for Brainbox, who thinks he can cure the sickness and save the world. But getting to the library is only the beginning. What they find there is terrifying and horrible and leads them to travel even farther than they have planned. See, you really have no choice- either risk your life for a future or have no future at all. This is a fast paced post-apocalyptic story with non-stop action. It is told in alternating voices- Jefferson and Donna- and Donna is hilarious. It's an unforgiving world and death awaits at every turn. Chris Weitz is a director and this book definitely reads as a movie. There's even a fight with a polar bear. More will follow of course. I enjoyed the story, it was a fast read and do wonder what will happen next. So I will wait... until then, happy reading my friends.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Ruin and Rising

There's nothing like the satisfying end of a series. I am a sucker for happily ever after. Ruin and Rising is the perfect conclusion to the Grisha Trilogy. Alina the Sun Summoner is facing her nemesis The Darkling in what will have to be the final battle. Alina is searching for the third amplifier that will give her the power to overcome her Dark rival once and for all. But Alina is still drawn to the Darkling and the more she learns about him, the more she feels connected to him and his past. And then there is the issue of Mal, her longtime best friend and true heart. No matter how things turn out, they know that they are not destined to find happiness with each other. Don't forget Nikolai, the pirate king/prince who knows Alina will make a great queen. He will use all his charms to convince Alina to rule with him. And those charms are many. As the group searches for the Firebird, the third amplifier, they come to a shocking and devastating realization about what it will cost for Alina to wield that power. Alina is not willing to make that sacrifice, but in the end, will she have a choice? I loved this series, all the adventure, mythology and of course the ending rocked. Friends are lost along the way, new alliances are formed and tears will be shed. But in the end, this is just the story of two orphans who save the world and quite possibly each other! Happy reading my friends.

Sunday, July 5, 2015

The Infinite Sea

When last we left the last humans on earth in an alien takeover, Cassie was waiting in hopes that Evan had survived the destruction of the camp. She is in hiding with her little brother, Sam, Ben, Poundcake, Dumbo, Ringer and Teacup. They don't trust Evan since he is "one of them", but he made a promise to Cassie that he would find her and she believes him. They are injured, on the run and with little hope that they can survive the 5th Wave. The aliens have turned human against human, using little kids as bombs. No one can be trusted. They are at each other's throats. When Ringer gets captured and brought to the evil Vosch, there is not much left to do but submit. She is trapped because they also have Teacup. She won't leave Teacup behind and they know it. Meanwhile, Evan and Cassie are reunited for a short time, but Evan is in bad shape. He has lost his alien abilities which will leave all of them vulnerable to super alien Grace, who can't figure out what Evan sees in the human race. Everyone must sacrifice something to keep the human race alive. But a stunning revelation may turn everything on its ear. Are these really aliens? Or is something even more nefarious afoot? If you enjoyed the first book in this series, The 5th Wave, you will be carried along in this one. Of course you already know you will be left with more questions than answers. Happy reading my friends!

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Denton Little's Death Date

Denton Little has know the date of his death since he was born. Everyone knows their death date. This way you can give your own eulogy, attend your own funeral and get your affairs in order. As Denton's date approaches, he looks to fulfill some goals. He and his best friend Paolo have plans. They have been friends forever since Paolo is set to die 26 days after Denton. Denton's girlfriend Taryn is making things difficult as her ex boyfriend seems to be waiting for Denton to die so he can get her back. Then there is the fact that he and Paolo's sister seemed to have hooked up and Denton can't remember. As the hours tick down to the end, Denton gets a weird rash that turns him purple. But could this rash actually be saving his life? As Denton races through his last day, long kept secrets are exposed and he must run in order to possibly survive. This book is a wild ride filled with action. It is funny and clever and rings true to high school. Paolo is hilarious and inappropriate most of the time. The love triangle is in the background, but adds a few funny moments. Denton is an insightful character that has a unique outlook on life. I enjoyed this book and will look for the sequel next spring. Happy reading my friends!

Saturday, June 27, 2015

The Bane Chronicles

Ahh. That feels better. If you know anything about me, you know that Will Herondale of the Infernal Devices series is my number 1 favorite fictional boy. The nine books that Cassandra Clare has written are some of my all time favories. This book is about Magnus Bane, one of the characters in her series. He is a warlock so he has been alive through all the Herondales and their adventures. Why did I mention Will? I guess him being a part of this book took my tear ducts by surprise. All he had to do was mention Will and Tessa and Jem and I was crying on my couch. Not a very sane reaction I'll admit. That being said, I loved this group of stories that tells Magnus's tale. It is funny and touching and lovely. It was a way to bring all the characters back and tell more of their stories. And it shed light on others. Magnus is a hopeless romantic and his love of Alec makes him a true treasure. It was great to see how their love story started from Magnus's point of view. It's not easy living forever and watching those you love die. But Magnus tells the story with wit and insight-and a flair for fashion.  I don't know which scene was my favorite, but anything with Will is first. The introduction of Clary and Jocelyn and how they met Tessa made me cry too. If you love these two series, this is the perfect companion. It will tide you over until the new series is out. Magnus lived quite the life and you can chronicle it through his fashion and famous friends. I am sad to let go of Will once again and now I'm stuck hoping that the new series will have some Jace, Clary and the Lightwoods in it too. Happy reading my friends...

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Code Name Verity

As a rule, I don't like to read WW2 books. They are always heartbreaking. And sad. And they make me angry. So when people began recommending this book to me, I said "no thanks". But they were persistent and promised that I would love it. I really need to stick to my guns. It was heartbreaking. It was sad and now I am angry. This is the story of two girls in England who get involved in the war effort for the Allies. One is a pilot and the other a spy. Queenie is captured and tells the tale of her friendship with Maddie in the form of an interrogation at the hands of the Nazi's. She is clever and determined. Maddie is tough and focused. She flies planes and airmen to secret locations in awful conditions. They strike up a lovely friendship in the toughest of times. The first half of the book is Queenie/Julie's story, the second is Maddie's. Needless to say, it is not a happy ending for them. Did I like the book? Well, I couldn't put it down, I had high hopes for a sappy happily ever after ending. That's just my style. But it left me crushed. The bravery of people in war times is something I hope to never have to experience. I don't know where the courage comes from. These characters will stay with me for a while. But I will go back to my no WW2 novels for the time being. There is too much reality even in a fictional tale. I salute the actual women who risked and lost their lives fighting for the rights of others. Happy reading my friends!

Saturday, June 13, 2015

The Lovely and the Lost

The Waverly family is dealing with some issues. Gabby is in training to join the Alliance. Grayson is fighting the urge to give in to his Hellhound side and Ingrid is dealing with her demon and angel blood. Just another day in Paris. Of course, this is a problem since this is not the way people behave in polite society in the 1800's. To top it all off, Luc, the families protector, is fighting his love for Ingrid which is strictly forbidden. See, Luc is a gargoyle and committed to protect all who live in his territory. To add to the drama, Axia is trying to get her angel blood back from Ingrid, as is a secret society who wants to experiment with it. So basically, Ingrid is in peril and Luc must try and keep her safe while keeping his distance. Then you have Nolan, the dashing Scottish Alliance member who is in love with Gabby, but must keep his distance because his father wants her to stay away. To add to the mix,  the gargoyles and the Alliance have an uneasy truce that could shatter at any moment. It's hard to know who to trust and who is on which side. Everyone is at risk, the Alliance, the Dispossessed, the Waverly's, the Daicrypta, Axia, no one is safe. This is book two in the Dispossessed Trilogy. This means there is a lot of action and zero resolution, so be prepared. There is a love triangle between Luc, Ingrid and Vander. (though not a believable one- it's Luc all the way). There is Grayson running off as a Hellhound, being called to serve an evil master. There is Gabby who does something unforgivable by accident that will put her relationship with Nolan in jeopardy along with her life. And the surprise- Marco, the broody gargoyle who is now solely in charge of protecting Ingrid. I love a good supernatural book as you know. This one has a great atmosphere, setting and interesting cast of characters. Start with The Beautiful and the Cursed and meet the family, then hang on tight- gargoyles really know how to fly! Happy reading my friends!

Sunday, June 7, 2015

The Queen of the Tearling

Let me start with, I thought this was a YA book, but after reading, I would change that opinion. The heroine is a 19 year old girl, but the story is definitely for an adult audience in enough places for me to issue that warning. That being said- I loved this story. It was heralded as a more serious Hunger Games, but this story is all it's own. Kelsea is the daughter of the fallen Queen. Her uncle has been acting Regent of the Tear. He has run the kingdom to the ground. Kelsea has been in hiding for 18 years. If found, many factions want her dead. As she comes of age, the Queen's Guard comes to fetch her from her guardians. It is a treacherous journey back to the kingdom and not all make it back. On the way she meets the Fetch- think of Robin Hood- and she strikes a bargain about the kind of queen she wants to be. As she finally makes it back to the Tear- with a lot of help from the Mace- she finds her citizens loaded into wagons to be sent as tribute to the Red Queen of Mort. Kelsea won't stand for this and released the tributes. This of course will start a war with the Mort, but Kelsea doesn't want to be weak like her mother or corrupt like her uncle. People try to kill her at every turn and Kelsea must figure out who can be trusted. The people of the Tear, however, feel like she is the True Queen, and pin their hopes on her. With forces working against her, Kelsea must make decisions that could cause her death. She must take charge and be the queen her guardians knew she could be. This book is filled with interesting characters and premise. The time period is the future with enough references to a past I certainly recognize. Kelsea thinks books are the greatest need in society, so she and I would be BFFs. Luckily for me, the sequel is out on Tuesday and will accompany me to New Orleans. Now, about a YA reader- just be warned of several adult themes and language. It is for a more advanced and mature reader. Happy reading my friends!

Saturday, May 30, 2015

An Ember in the Ashes

Run, don't walk or jog to the nearest place that sells books and GET THIS ONE!! This is the story of Elias and Laia. Laia is a scholar and Elias is a mask. They should not meet. They have no future together. They are for all intents and purposes, enemies. A Mask has killed Laia's family and thrown her brother in jail. She is determined to free Darin. In order to do this, she must ask for help from the Resistance that was once led by her parents. But if she wants help, she must do something for them. She is sent to be a slave to the Commandant of Blackcliff. The Commandant is EVIL, and most slaves who are forced to serve her end up maimed, broken or most often dead. Then there is Elias Veturia, reluctant soldier and even more reluctant son of the Commandant. He had been left in the desert to die when born and was raised by a Tribal family. When the Masks found him at six, he was brought to Blackcliff and raised as a future Mask. He does not want this life and plans to run, but something stops him. He finds himself in competition to become the next Emperor. He and Laia cross paths and there is a spark between them. Their fates seem destined to be joined. When Elias chooses to go against the grain, his life is put in forfeit. Laia decides she needs his help to save her brother. Oh boy, is this a fantastic book. I loved every page of it. Yes, there is the possibility of a love story between Laia and Elias, but there is also the chance for Helene and Keenan to get in the way. The characters are all so layered and interesting. I am left wanting MORE!! It is told in alternating chapters by Elias and Laia and it's so nice to see into both of their souls. I hope you take my advice and pick up this gem of a novel and start your summer off right. Can't recommend this enough. Happy reading my friends!

Sunday, May 24, 2015

The Red Queen

     Mare Darrow is a Red. The lesser of the two societies. The Reds serve the Silvers. The Silvers have powers- powers of fire, water, invisibility, mind control, etc. Mare and her family are under the Silvers thumbs, where you must have a job or be conscripted into the army. The army where Reds go to die. Her brothers have already been conscripted and she is next. One night while she is out pickpocketing, she meets Cal. He finds her a job in the Silver city. Little does she know, he is the crowned prince. An accident reveals that Mare has powers of her own. A Red with the powers of a Silver cannot be allowed to live- unless she is controlled. Mare finds herself the future bride of Cal's younger brother Maven. She must live her whole life pretending to be something she's not in order to save her family. When the Scarlet Guard contacts her to help with a Red rebellion, Mare risks it all to help. Maven joins the fight, telling her he wants to bring Reds and Silvers together. She is torn between the brothers and her hometown love Kilorn. As Maven pulls her farther away from Cal with his promises, Mare decides that she will do anything to help her people, even if it means betraying Cal. The plan for the Coup is set, the soldiers in place, sides are taken and the players will fight to the death for their beliefs. Unfortunately for Mare, not all on her side can be trusted and betrayal cuts deep. I love these books- future kings, capable damsels, betrayal, hometown boys, saving the less fortunate. This is a great new series that I look forward to continuing as soon as that is possible. 8 days left of school and then the real reading begins!! Happy reading my friends!

Sunday, May 17, 2015

The Court of Thorns and Roses

So the second member of my desert island authors list is Sarah Maas. When I saw that she had a new book out and it wasn't starring Chaol and Celaena I was disappointed. Well, no more! Her new series is the story of Feyre, a girl who is struggling to support her family. The humans live at the mercy of the Fae and Feyre is bitter and angry that her ungrateful family is starving. When she finds a wolf in the woods and kills it, her troubles really begin. The wolf was a Fae in disguise and now she must pay the debt for killing him. Tamlin, Lord of the Spring Court, comes to claim her and she must live her life on the other side of the wall as a "guest" of the Fae. Feyre is not happy about this and schemes to find a way to leave. But the more time she spends with Tamlin and his best friend Lucien, the more she is entranced by their world. Tamilin is struggling to keep his people safe from her and the mysterious blight that is destroying the Fae kingdoms. Little does Feyre know, she may be the answer to all Tamlin's problems, but will he sacriice her to save his people? This is another great book by Maas- part Cinderella, part Beauty and the Beast, all set in the land of Fairies, where you know better than to eat or drink and certainly to never make a bargain. Where even the villains may just save your skin- even if only for themselves. This book is for the reader who loves a self-sufficient, driven damsel who will take her fate into her own hands to save the ones she loves, whether they want her to or not. I will say it is for a mature reader as there are some racy scenes not for the younger kids. The ending is great, you could stop here and be satisfied, but I am in for the duration and looking forward to see how Feyre resolves her feelings of guilt and the deals with the consequences of her bargain. Tamlin is an epic fictional boy and Lucien an epic best friend of the fictional boy. Thirteen days until summer, which will find me at the beach, in New Orleans and at the lake, always with a book in hand. So happy reading my friends.

Monday, May 11, 2015

White Hot Kiss

Gargoyles and demons- what could be better? Layla has been raised by the Wardens- a group of gargoyles who protect the world from demons. Zayne is a Warden and her best friend/crush. Layla works for the Wardens as she is half Warden. She can tag demons for the Wardens to vanquish. When she turns 17 things start to get a little wonky. All of a sudden, the demons are after HER and she doesn't know why. Then she meets Roth- all hotness and bad boy. He saves her from a demon- of course come to find out he is the Crown Prince of demons- you know who's son. Layla finds herself drawn to him as she tries to fight her half demon side. She has to stop herself from taking souls and generally doing terrible things. Roth lets her be herself for the first time. She comes to trust him, against her better judgement and they decide to work together to find out who is trying to stop the apocalypse. But if the Wardens and especially Zayne find out what she is doing, she is going to be so grounded. Is it possible for Roth to be telling the truth? Can Layla trust him? All she knows is that when he kisses her, she feels like herself for the first time in her life. But what about Zayne? Doesn't she still have feelings for him? An ultimate sacrifice must be made to save Layla, but who will make it? And will Layla be able to live with the result? This is a typical supernatural love triangle good v. evil type story that you will love if that is your thing. It's definitely for a more mature audience.  So enjoy- and happy reading my friends!

Monday, May 4, 2015

The Sorcerer Heir

Ahhhh. That took way too long to finish. But well worth it! The final book of the Heir Chronicles finds Jonah and Emma trying to recover from a night of chaos. No one knows what happened or who is to blame for the deaths on Halloween. Was it the wizards? The savants? The shades? And what on earth is the secret that Gabriel Mandrake is hiding? Emma begins to delve into her family history and doesn't like what she finds. Jonah continues to punish himself for his deadly touch. Kenzie is getting sicker and sicker. The shades are lasting longer and longer in their stolen bodies. This brings all the heirs together to solve the problems across the lines of the guilds. Seph, Madison, Jack, Ellen and Leesha all make appearances to bring peace to the supernatural world they live in. You can't start with the end, so go back to the beginning with the Warrior Heir and get to know Jack and Ellen. You won't be able to put it down, but never fear, there will be four more to keep you going through the summer months. This book is for you if you love action, adventure, magic and romance. And it has the most dreamy boys imaginable with strong girls to keep them company. No damsels in distress here. If I was on a desert island and could only have a couple of author's books to keep me company, Cinda Williams Chima would be one of the them. Onward- this one book a month pace has got to go!! Happy reading my friends!

Thursday, April 9, 2015


Let me start with the fact that I LOVE this series. Nick Gautier is one of my favorite characters. He is sarcastic, funny and Cajun-cher. He lives in New Orleans, is surrounded by friends who love him and a mother who would do anything for him. His is six foot four and good looking. So what's the problem you ask? Well, he is destined to become an all powerful evil that will destroy the world. He has spent the last six books trying to figure out how to stop himself and save the ones he loves. All that being said, this wasn't my favorite installment. Yes, Nick is his usual wonderful, self-deprecating teen self, but the story doesn't really get going until the end. There is a LOT of mythology and name changes and who is this demon and who is that demon and who is related to who and who is mad at who. Also, Caleb is sidelined for the entire book. Kyrian makes only a brief appearance (and he's my fave) and Ash is nowhere to be seen. Even Bubba is relegated to the background. There is a new cast of characters who take the forefront and while they are lovely and entertaining, I say dance with the one you came with. If you already love this series, you have to read it to keep up. If you haven't started, you must begin at the beginning and meet me when you are done. I won't give up on Nick and Co, I just hope the next adventure brings my favorite A team back. Happy reading mon chers! Laissez le bon temps rouler! And happy reading my friends!!

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Golden Son

If you are looking for a book with 442 pages of non-stop action and intrigue, look no further. This sequel to Red Rising by Pierce Brown is a heart stopper. Darrow is still on his mission to take down society in honor of his dead wife Eo. He has worked his way into Gold society and he is on the rise. But his Arch Governor has turned on him and the plans of the Sons of Ares begin to falter so Darrow must create his own path. One that is fraught with danger and deception on so many levels. There is no one he can really trust because he is living a lie so devastating his world will end if it is revealed. He makes choices that put those who love him in danger and even though he could keep them safe, he must stay on mission. Sevro, Mustang, Ragnar, the Jackal, Roque, and Vitra become allies and enemies as Darrow makes his bid to take over the world all the while fighting the love he has for Mustang. Many truths are revealed, many die and many are betrayed as this novel barrels it's way to a crushing conclusion. This was a great bridge novel and the final part cannot come soon enough for me. It is not for young readers, but is a great next step for fans of dystopian fiction as well as adults as it doesn't read YA. Vacation is over, just got back from the bookstore and am about to dive into the next Nick Gauthier novel. There is never enough time for all the books I want to read and summer seems a long way off. Until then- Happy reading my friends!

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Siege and Storm

Book two of the Grisha Trilogy finds Alina and Mal hiding from the Darkling. Now the Darkling is one of the most confusing characters I have come across. I can't decide if I have a crush on him or want him to be ripped apart by the Cut. To add insult to injury, the newest character in the series, Strumhold, is also enchanting. Is he a privateer, a rogue, or is he someone else entirely? I'll never tell. But what I will say is that this second book will not let you down. Alina and Mal find themselves captive on Strumhold's ship, prisoners of the Darkling. Mal is in mortal danger and Alina will do everything in her impressive power to keep him alive. When Strumhold turns out to be more than you thought he was, Alina finds herself back in Ravka raising an army of her own to take on the Darkling. She gains another amplifier that expands her powers greatly, but she realizes there is one more out there for her to find. And she wants it. Bad. Mal just wants his old Alina back. He wants to run away together and live out life in peace. Alina knows that is not meant to be. Along with her faithful followers, she must play the part of Saint for the masses, and the part of savvy diplomat for everyone else. However; all she really wants is a life with Mal- or does she? Alina will risk it all to get what she wants, as soon as she figures out what that is. I love this series. It is filled with adventure, romance and some cheeky heroes with zippy one-liners. It's not often you laugh out loud in the middle of a battle! If only there wasn't housework to be done or papers to grade... Happy reading my friends!

Saturday, March 21, 2015

The Cellar

A crazy guy kidnaps girls and locks them in a cellar. He names them after flowers. I don't recommend this book for teen readers even though it is a young adult book. I don't know why I feel this way, I just didn't like it and don't think it will even go back in my classroom. Maybe an older teen would be interested, but not my 8th graders. I guess I prefer books that I wouldn't see as stories on the news. So read at your own risk. Gonna shake this one off and head back to fantasy land! Happy reading my friends!

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Heir of Fire

Wow, friends, it has been too long! Many things have gotten in the way of reading lately and truthfully, I was savoring this one. The third book in the Throne of Glass series has kept me occupied for weeks. I read a little at a time, not like me at all. This is the story of the King's Assassin, Celaena Sardothian, is on a mission to reclaim her throne as queen of her people. She is beaten and broken and not entirely sure she wants the responsibility. She thinks she has let everyone she loves down. She has driven Chaol away. She is hiding from her life. With the death of her best friend Nehemia, she makes a promise to get even with the King of Adarlan even if it means facing her past and taking back what is rightfully hers. The story lines are all separate in this volume. Celaena is off with Rowan, an ancient Fae warrior , who would just as soon kill her as help her. Dorian is trying to hide and contol his magic to keep his father, the king, at bay. Aedion, Aelin's sworn protector, is looking for his queen and finds himself an unlikely ally in Chaol. Then there are the witches, hired by the king to form a squadron of death on the backs of mythical winged beasts. The paths of these characters come to a crashing halt as death, destruction and betrayal find their way into Adarlan. Revenge is on everyone's mind as the characters plot their next moves. Everyone is in peril. My heart is pounding and I don't think I'll be able to sleep tonight for thinking about poor Dorian, locked up Aedion and the fact that Celaena and Chaol did not spend one page together in this book. If you are a fan of The Demon King, this series is right up your ally with a little rougher edge. I don't know who I am more in love with now- Chaol, Aedion or Rowan. Celaena is a lucky fictional girl. Spring break is creeping up and books are the plan for the two weeks of rest. Happy reading my friends!

Monday, February 16, 2015


The Delta Fever has cut New Orleans off from the rest of the country. Hurricane after hurricane has decimated the land and the people. People are separated into tribes by blood type. It is a violent world were everyone must fend for themselves. Fen is a teenager who has lost her parents in this new world. When her chieftain gives birth to a baby amidst a raid on their village, Fen is left to care for it when Lydia dies. She promises Lydia that she will care for the baby girl. But having a newborn is a sure death sentence for both of them. She only has a couple of weeks to get her across the wall into The Outer States to avoid the baby getting the fever. Newborn blood is a hot commodity on the black market so Fen must keep her from the blood hunters. Daniel is a scientist from the Outer States. He almost has found a cure for the fever, but in the process, he has created a way to wipe out all the people who have the fever. He sneaks into Orleans to find someone to help him with a cure before someone finds out the terrible weapon he has created. He crosses paths with Fen and they barter a trade. Fen will help him find the professors he is looking for if he will help her get the baby across the wall. While Fen hates being tied to the 'tourist', she knows she needs his help as she will do anything to keep her promise to Lydia. This is a gritty novel that warns of what could happen if mother nature decides to turn on us for good. But even as society breaks down, there are good people willing to risk their lives to save the world. Does Fen make the ultimate sacrifice to save the baby? And can Daniel really find a cure and save the world? I wish I could tell you the answer but alas, a cliffhanger awaits. Happy reading my friends.

Sunday, February 8, 2015


Well friends- I have a new favorite! Firebug by Lish McBride of Hold Me Closer Necromancer fame has it all. Supernatural being, a love triangle and characters that make you laugh and cry at the same time. Let me start with Ava, a firebug, she can start fires with her hands. This skill is highly coveted by the Coterie, a supernatural mob, who holds a contract on her services. The Coterie is led by Venus the evil vampire. She demands Ava to be her assassin. Venus is also responsible for the death of Ava's mother. So, Ava hates her. Then there are Ava's two best friends- Lock, the dryad, who can command the forest and Ezra (who is my new favorite character!!!!) the sneaky, egocentric were-fox. They are her team and help her with the assassinations. They would do anything for each other, even take on Venus at the risk of their own lives. When Duncan- the closest thing to a grandfather Ava has- is next on the hit list, Ava stands up to Venus and refuses the job. But we all know you shouldn't refuse an evil vampire so havoc ensues.This includes the capture of Cade, Ava's human guardian. With the help of a drove of were-hares and a few other supernatural wonders, Ava sets out to rescue Cade from the Coterie while removing Venus from this heavenly coil. But what about the love triangle you ask? Ava's boyfriend Ryan gets into the mix and Lock can't seem to keep his feelings to himself. Of course, Ava is terrible at dealing with emotions, so many things get messed up, but all that does is leave you wanting more in a sequel. And soon I hope. I think Lish McBride should be my friend so we can hang out and talk about her amazing characters. So until that happens, start this series and enjoy the ride. Just watch out for Ezra, he may be picking your pocket as we speak. Happy reading my friends!

Sunday, January 25, 2015


Do you like a good Southern mystery? This may be the book for you. Barrie has just lost her mother and her guardian is dying of cancer. She is left to live with her mother's twin sister Aunt Pru on Watson Island. Barrie has never met her aunt or been to the island, but she is immediately drawn to the place. It is filled with magic and spirits and an ancient curse. Of course, she doesn't know the extent of it. She meets Eight Beaufort, and feels that click. See, Barrie has a gift for finding lost things. It compels her to look until the lost thing is found. Eight also has a gift, he knows what people want. This of course, drives Barrie crazy because she doesn't know if he really wants her or just wants to give her what she wants, which is him. Confused? Don't be. Barrie and Eight (and their families) are at odds with the ne'er-do-well Coleworths who always seem to be on the wrong end of everything. Cassie just wants Barrie to 'find' her families treasure so the score can be settled. But Cassie isn't the most reliable of people and Eight knows she can't be trusted. Barrie wants to help, but each time she tries, something awful happens. Eight tries to warn her, but Barrie has to learn things the hard way. This is a story of decades old family feuds, romance and a huge mystery that almost costs Barrie her life. It is an interesting tale that kept my attention from the first page to the last with eager anticipation for more books to come. There is just enough of a cliffhanger to keep the interested reader going but not enough of one to disappoint those who like stand alone books. Can't wait to hand this off to one of my students tomorrow to see what they make of Barrie and Eight. Happy reading my friends!

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Enchanter Heir

Sometimes an author just gets what you want to read. They know how to create characters that tug at your heartstrings or frustrate you to the point you are screaming at a book. Cinda Williams Chima is one of those authors for me. I LOVE her Seven Realms series. I mean Han is one of my all time favorite boys. But I think I could make a list of favorite fictional boys just from Chima's books. This member of the Heir Chronicles is just as amazing as the rest. I didn't think it could get better than Jack Swift and Seph McCAuley but then I get to meet Jonah Kinlock. Jonah is a savant- he is a member of a group who lived in Thorn Hill and survived the massacre there that killed all the adults and left the children with strange mutations. Jonah is an assassin, a member of Nightshade, who is tasked with finding shades- souls who jump from body to body- and putting them out of their misery. Jonah is good at his job. He should be, his touch is deadly. This is a great feature for an assassin, not so much for a seventeen year old boy who meets the girl of his dreams. Emma is a musician living in Memphis with her grandfather. When he is killed she is sent to live with the father she never knew. Tyler Greenwood has been in hiding for years. When Emma arrives on his doorstep, he is pulled back into battle with the Wizard guild. He tries to keep Emma safe. Jonah and Emma meet and feel an immediate attraction beyond even their love of music. But one fateful night, things go deadly wrong and may ruin what little chance they have at happiness. Yikes, that isn't even the tip of the iceberg that is this book. You can read it alone, or start with the Warrior Heir to get the entire backstory. Either way, you will be drawn into the world of the heirs and fall in love with them too. Happy reading my friends!

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Evil Librarian

What a hoot this book is! Musical theater with the evil librarian twist. I must say I haven't seen this combination before. Cyn is a typical teenage girl. She has a best friend named Annie and a huge crush on the ultra hot Ryan- who naturally, doesn't know who she is. This all changes for two reasons. One, they get a new librarian who just happens to be a demon and two- she crashes into Ryan in the hall and he now has to notice her. Amidst all this drama, there is an actual drama going on- the production of Sweeney Todd, the school musical that Ryan is the star of and that Cyn is the tech director for. When the new librarian decides he wants Annie for his demon bride, Cyn decides enough is enough. She confronts the librarian- Mr. Gabriel and finds out for some reason she is immune to his powers. With Ryan's help, she has to find a way to stop the librarian from sucking the souls from her classmates, stealing her best friend, and ruining the school musical. She just may have to make a deal with the devil to save the day.She does this all while dreaming of Ryan kissing her. And she dreams of that at the most inconvenient times. And often. Cyn learns that sometimes you have to take a risk to get a reward. This book is filled with humor, loyalty, and one spectacular high school musical production. There will be sequels that are nicely set up in this first novel, but this one is wrapped up if you wanted to stop at one. Be on the lookout for any red halos and happy reading my friends!

Friday, January 2, 2015


Let me start by saying that books set in boarding school always have some tragic element to them. This gem by Andrew Smith is no exception. Ryan Dean West is a fourteen year old Junior at Pine Mountain. He is smart, hilarious, artistic and the winger on the rugby team. He is in love with Annie and will be spending his year in O-Hall for students who have broken some rule. Ryan Dean is determined to survive his neanderthal roommate Chas while winning Annie's heart. Along the way he will become best friends with the rugby team captain, Joey, who happens to be gay, he will take on the biggest and meanest boys at school, he will make out with one of the hottest girls on the planet and he will run naked in the woods in the rain. Ryan Dean does not lack in confidence. He is sure that he is wearing Annie down and that she wants to kiss him and believe it or not, he may be right. But mixed in with the seriously laugh out loud humor (trust me, this book is filled with hilarity) is the underlying current that being different can get you hurt. Or worse. The end of this book is crushing. And sad. And heartbreaking. However, Ryan Dean is a character that I am better for having met and I will carry him with me henceforth. I also learned a little bit about rugby along the way. So no supernatural elements, no princess assassins, just the reality of growing up in boarding school where fending for yourself is a bit of an art form and growing up can be a treacherous path. You will be better for having spent some time in Ryan Dean's world.
 Happy reading my friends.

Court of Silver Flames

 Not shelf appropriate for middle school. That being said- Nessa and Cassian. If you know you know. Happy reading my ADULT friends. Now we n...