Sunday, December 29, 2013

Thursday, December 26, 2013
Blood-Kissed Sky
It's a classic tale, boy meets girl, girl falls for boy, boy turns out to be a vampire. Not just any vampire, mind you, the son of one of the fourteen original families. Dawn and Victor have been through it together. She gave him her blood to save his life. But Vampires and humans should not mix. Especially when Dawn is the human delegate to the Valentine family. And now that he has killed his father, Victor is the Valentine family. To add insult to injury, Victor's evil half brother, Sin is out to get Dawn and all those she loves. When Dawn realizes it's more than jealousy, her world is turned completely upside down and she will have to make a life changing decision if she is to save those she loves. She takes the Night Train to Los Angeles to see how they handle The Thirst- a vampire disease that turns vampires into uncontrollable monsters. Something about Los ANgeles isn't right, but the group can't figure out what it is. Everyone is too perfect, happy and well cared for. With her friends, Michael, Tegan and the most famous vampire hunter in the world, Dawn comes face to face with the person calling to her in her dreams. But that dream may just be an nightmare that will not go away in the light of day. Can Victor save her in time? This is the second book in a trilogy that started with Darkness Before the Dawn by J.A. London. It is an interesting view of a world where vampires and humans have reached a shaky truce that could crumble to the ground in an instant. And there is the irresistible vampire/human love story. But Dawn is no Bella, she can hold her own, both with her mind AND a stake. So give it a try if you like this genre. All the books are out so waiting is not required. As for me, it's time to catch up with June and Day in the final book in Marie Lu's Legend series. Happy reading my friends!
Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Much like the last book I reviewed, the heroine in this sequel to Rift is a red headed firebrand. Ember has fled the chaos of the night her mentor was killed. She is in the company of the love of her life, Barrow and the knights who are trying to stop the evil that has been unleashed on the world. She finds herself on the opposite side of her childhood best friend Alistair who is becoming increasingly hostile towards the fact that she doesn't return his desires. And then their is the Lord Mar. He commands the wraiths of another reality that can't be stopped. Mar won't stop until all the power is his. He uses Alistair to create a new evil to be unleashed on the world. Ember must put herself at risk to keep the knights plan in motion to close the gate between this world and Mar's. It will take great sacrifice and determination to pull off their plan. Will Ember be able to convince Alistair she is on his side? Can she hide her love for Barrow? Will her sister be used as a pawn in the evil machinations of Eira and Mar? Yikes, that's a lot of questions! I will say that most of these are answered, and I know this is a prequel to a series I haven't read yet, but I feel like this one left me hanging! Will there be a third prequel? Will Cian's sacrifice be fulfilled? And what the heck happened to Kael? I totally enjoyed this book and the characters. Barrow is definitely top ten material and Ember is yet another non-damsel in distress. She could totally hang with Rachel from Defiance and Katsa from Graceling. It would be like another realm Charlie's Angels... Hey, there's an idea for a book... I look forward to reading the actual series this is based on Nightshade with my mini book club in January. Until then, the pile of unread books calls me and the weather is like summer, so off to my patio I go- maybe to finish Marie Lu's series, maybe to start a new one. I haven't made up my mind yet. Happy reading my friends and Merry Christmas Eve!
Sunday, December 22, 2013

Saturday, November 30, 2013
Shades of Earth

Friday, November 29, 2013
The Wizard Heir

Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Sometimes the biggest decision I have to make when on vacation is which book to pick off the pile. I must say, this one was a total surprise! Inhuman by Kat Falls is a story about a world where a plague has made most of the population go feral. Humans are infected with animal blood and turn into (sort of) that animal. Tigers, hyenas, lions etc. Most of the survivors live behind a wall erected by the company that unwittingly released the plague. Lane is a teenager who lives with her art dealer father behind the wall. One night she is rounded up by a patrol and told her father is a 'fetch', someone who goes into the feral territory to get things for people. Lane can't believe this. And to make matters worse, if she doesn't help out the lady in charge, her father will be caught and executed. Lane must risk venturing into the Feral Zone to find her father and warn him. She finds out the stories he's been telling her her whole life are actually a guide to the zone. The mystical creatures he made up are real, and the wild boy is actually waiting for her. Along the way, she teams up with Everson, a line guard, who follows her into the zone. He is, of course, dreamy. She also teams up with Rafe, rude, brash and devastatingly handsome. They both seem to want to keep her alive, but for different reasons. The three of them must survive the zone, a CRAZY tiger man named Chorda, and find what really makes someone human. The twists and turns are unreal and the losses beyond crushing. The end of this book was a jaw dropper and leaves way for a sequel that I, for one, will be anxiously awaiting. What an imaginative world Kat Falls has created, filled with engaging characters. Oh Cosmo! *tear* This is not your ordinary apocalypse tale, it certainly amps that genre up to a new level. So give it a try and let me know what you think. Happy reading my friends!
Sunday, November 24, 2013

Sunday, November 17, 2013
Ruby Red

Tuesday, November 12, 2013
The Warrior Heir

Sunday, November 10, 2013
Unbreakable-The Legion Bk. 1
Whew. That was a fast read. I have been looking forward to reading Kami Garcia's novel as I am a huge fan of the Beautiful Creatures series. What a ride! Meet Kennedy, a normal girl with a single mom who loves her. Until one night when Kennedy comes home to find her mother has died. A few weeks later as she is getting ready to leave for boarding school, a vengeance spirit tries to kill her. The only thing that saves her is a pair of dreamy brothers, Jared and Lukas- twins who are part of a secret society out to rid the world of a demon. Of course, Kennedy doesn't buy any of this, I mean after all, her mom couldn't have been one of the five members of the Legion. But after much convincing, she realizes her mom may not have told her everything. She joins up with the twins, along with the genius inventor Priest (a fifteen year old wunderkind) and Alana the granddaughter of a voodoo priestess to find a way to kill the demon Andras. What about a love triangle you ask? Kennedy finds herself drawn to both brothers causing no end of the trouble. But it's Jared, the loner with secrets, that she really falls for. This doesn't make Lukas happy. As the five run around to haunted sights collecting the things they need to rid the world of the demon, more truths come to light that may change everything for Kennedy. Loved this book!~ I couldn't put it down. I think my students will LOVE this as well, boys and girls alike. The characters are interesting and quirky, the romance is building and the whole thing reminds me of the Winchester brothers and Supernatural. All that's missing is Castiel and his trenchcoat. Can't wait for the next book as I'm sure the road these five are on is a long and winding one. So carry on my wayward sons.... Happy reading my friends!
Saturday, November 9, 2013

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Sunday, October 27, 2013
Another Jekyll, Another Hyde

Saturday, October 26, 2013
A Million Suns

Sunday, October 20, 2013
Add to my list of favorite authors Rainbow Rowell. She wrote my favorite summer read Eleanor and Park and now she has added Fangirl to my favorites bookshelf. This is the story of twins Cather and Wren as they go off to college. Their mother left them when they were 8 and their bipolar father raised them. Wren decides she doesn't want to room with Cath at college, which causes Cath to shut down and isolate herself. They are also in love with the world of Simon Snow, the main character in a long series of books (imagine Harry Potter) Cath writes fanfic (stories about the characters) and has a massive following online. At college, Cath's roommate Reagan, a tough talking sassy girl, decides to take pity on Cath and makes her become more social. Reagan's ex-boyfriend Levi is always hanging around. He "passes out smiles to everyone he met like it didn't cost him anything". He is charming, always happy, and such a gentleman. Of course, Cath doesn't realize that he and Reagan are exes and is horrified with herself when she falls for him. Levi is the boy we are all looking for. (yes, top ten fictional boy list material right next to Park) he Outsiders. Cath reads it to Levi and says they are on chapter 12 but only in the middle of the book. The Outsiders only has 12 chapters. But that is a minor complaint from a language arts teacher who loves that book. Anyway, I highly recommend you check out this author. She is wonderful. Happy reading my friends!
No magical powers, no extreme talents, not even a great head of hair. Just someone who loves completely and is open to everything. There are lots of serious conflicts in this book, but I won't give them away. It is truly a masterful coming of age novel filled with realistic characters. Her books are so easy to read and almost impossible to put down. My only complaint is about a reference to T
No magical powers, no extreme talents, not even a great head of hair. Just someone who loves completely and is open to everything. There are lots of serious conflicts in this book, but I won't give them away. It is truly a masterful coming of age novel filled with realistic characters. Her books are so easy to read and almost impossible to put down. My only complaint is about a reference to T
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
The Dream Thieves

Sunday, October 6, 2013
Crown of Midnight

Saturday, September 21, 2013
Fire and Ash

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Friday, August 23, 2013
The Future of Us

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Friday, July 26, 2013

Sunday, July 21, 2013
This is What Happy Looks Like

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Sunday, July 14, 2013
I Hunt Killers
Jazz doesn't have the best role models in his life. His mom is gone, his grandma is beyond crazy and his dad is no longer around. But that is a good thing since Jazz's father is Billy Dent, the most prolific serial killer of all time. And Bill has raised Jazz in his image. Jazz knows the mind of serial killers because he was trained by the best. When a body turns up in his town, Jazz just knows something is up and he is determined to catch this new killer. He is the most qualified to do this as the new serial killer is copying his father's crimes. Jazz must convince the Sheriff to let him help so that the body count doesn't get any higher. Jazz and his friends Howie, a hemophiliac and Connie, his girlfriend sneak around the murder investigations trying to find clues. Little does Jazz know that the Impressionist is also watching him. Jazz struggles with the knowledge that he may be just like his dad and he constantly does tests to check his humanity. He knows he's a moment away from becoming just what his dad wants, a chip off the old block. This book is a lot like the series Dexter if Dexter had never murdered anyone. Jazz is both a likable and terrifying character. You are never sure what he is going to do, because he isn't sure what he is going to do. The murder scenes are a bit gruesome so this isn't for everyone, but is such an interesting psychological study of manipulation I couldn't put it down. (But I like gruesome) The end of the book is pretty scary and leads into the sequel called Game where I'm sure Jazz will be tested further. Happy reading my friends!
Saturday, July 13, 2013
far far away
Once upon a time, there was a lonely boy, a headstrong girl and and ancient ghost. Then something bad happens and someone must be saved. Will they live happily ever after? Jeremy Johnson Johnson is a strange boy in a town called Never Better. He hears voices. His father won't leave the house. They run a bookstore with only 1 book in it. He doesn't have any friends. Ginger is a free spirited trouble maker. She takes a bite of magical cake and falls for Jeremy. His ghostly friend, who happens to be Jacob Grimm, one of the Grimm brothers of fairy tale fame, thinks she's trouble. He is trying to protect Jeremy from the Finder of Occasions who is out to do harm to Jeremy. Only one problem, Jacob doesn't know who it is. As Jeremy and Ginger try to navigate a judgmental town, they are driven to befriend the town baker. Big mistake. When they find themselves locked in the baker's dungeon, they must figure out a way to survive and Jacob must face down his own past to save him. As Grimm fairy tales go, you can't always expect a happy ending. Sometimes the good guys lose and the monsters live happily ever after. This was a lovely book with an enchanting ghost that had me shedding a tear at the end. Happy ever after reading my friends and avoid the bakery if you see the green smoke. Just sayin' !
Thursday, July 11, 2013
Return to Exile

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Sunday, June 30, 2013
The Moon and More

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Friday, June 28, 2013
Benson is finally going to get something good in his life. He has been shuffled around from foster home to foster home. But now he has been accepted into the Maxfield Academy, a boarding school. Benson will now have a great school and friends. When he arrives, he notices the students trying to get his attention from the windows, but he doesn't know what they are trying to tell him. As the doors open two students fly out and try to run away. As Benson is brought into the school, he realizes it is not what it seems. First of all, there are no adults. Secondly, there is no way out. The students are controlled by the "school" which uses the students to keep the peace. And if you wind up in detention, you are dead. Literally. Benson is determined to find a way to escape and can't understand why all the students don't feel the same sense of urgency he does. When he makes a startling discovery about his girlfriend, he must convince the others to run before it is too late for all of them. What kind of experiment is this school and how can Benson find his way out? But most importantly, who can he trust when he can't seem to trust anyone?? This was a fast paced read that will appeal to the male population for sure. Always love a book that the reluctant reader will like. The story continues in the sequel Feedback, so I'll get back to you when I read that. Onward my friends and happy reading!
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Thursday, June 20, 2013
eleanor and park
oh. my. goodness. I was waiting for my ride to the beach and didn't want to unpack the book I was reading from my bag. I had just read that John Green loved this book so I picked it up off the pile and started. Well, 15 minutes later, my ride was here and my old book was out and I was sucked into the world of eleanor and park. Two sixteen year old kids who were insecure with their places in the world. Eleanor is overweight, dresses 'differently', has bright red curly hair and lives with her 4 brothers and sisters with their abusive step father. Park is half Korean, lives with his overly affectionate parents and giant brother. When Eleanor steps on the bus for the first time, Park wants nothing to do with her because he knows the attention she will get and he likes to live under the radar. Eleanor just wants a seat on the bus. Park's good manners win out and he invites her to share his seat, not knowing how that one small gesture will change both of their lives. They slowly create a friendship fraught with obstacles. Friendship turns to love. Park will do anything for Eleanor and she can't figure out why he loves her- no, needs her. All the while she must navigate the bullying at school and more frightening, at home. When things with her stepfather come to a head, she must run for her life and the only one she can turn to is Park. But by saving her, he also knows he will lose her. This is a FANTASTIC book that is up there among my all-time favorites. I loved this book. I can't say enough nice things about it. I hope awards pour down on this author. I hope somewhere, Eleanor and Park are having their happily ever after. Run to the bookstore and pick this up. You won't regret it. I promise. Happy reading my friends!
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
The Program

Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Monument 14 Sky on Fire

Sunday, June 16, 2013
The Beautiful and the Cursed

Wednesday, June 12, 2013
The Culling
Oh. My. This book was brutal. Imagine the Hunger Games, but way more violent and disturbing. That being said, I couldn't put it down. This is the story of Lucky, who is living in a post apocalyptic world where you can be pulled off the streets and disappear forever. He lives with his four year old brother Cole. Lucky is trying to keep them both alive and when his old friend Cassius comes back to town as a Prefect, he thinks his problems may be solved. Unfortunately, Cassius has changed and as revenge for Lucky not helping him catch the resistance, Cassius puts Lucky in the running to become an Imposer. Of course, to become one you must win The Trials. As the five unlucky names are called, Lucky finds himself in competition with the dreamy Digory. The only problem is that only one person will survive the Trials- oh and if you come in last in any of the events, someone you love will be "culled" or killed in some horrible fashion. Since Cole is one of Lucky's Incentives, Lucky must sacrifice everything to keep him safe- even at the cost of Digory and the other contestants's loved ones. I haven't despised a character as much as Cassius in a long time. I look forward to him getting what is coming to him in future books. The Trials that the contestants must endure are horrifying and gory. The choices the contestants must make are devastating. This book is not for the faint of heart, but it definitely will keep you on the edge of your seats. Steven Dos Santos has created a world that disturbs me in so many ways and leaves me with more questions than answers. So, if you have a strong stomach and can find hope in little things, give this one a try! Happy Reading my friends!
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
The Testing

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Thursday, June 6, 2013
The Elite

Monday, June 3, 2013
Darkness Before Dawn

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Court of Silver Flames
Not shelf appropriate for middle school. That being said- Nessa and Cassian. If you know you know. Happy reading my ADULT friends. Now we n...

Well, I just sat down to start this book because- wait for it-Darren Shan is coming to OUR SCHOOL!!! So excited. He really writes books th...
When Calamity arrived in the sky, some people changed into Epics. Superheroes or should I say Supervillians. They take over the world, destr...
Let me start by saying that books set in boarding school always have some tragic element to them. This gem by Andrew Smith is no exception. ...