Friday, December 30, 2011

Thursday, December 29, 2011
Crew up- It's Shipbreaker
Nailer is a teenage boy with one task and one task only- to make quota on copper by shipbreaking. If he doesn't do this, his father will beat him, he'll be thrown off his crew and he will have no way to survive in a post climate changed America. He is small and wiry and great at fitting in the tight spaces of the wrecked ships he breaks. His friend Pima is his crew leader and only ally. After having a near death experience, he survives a city killer of a storm and finds a clipper ship washed up on an island. The ship contains more gold and silver then he has ever seen- enough to get him out of the business. Until they find a near dead swanky girl on board. After convincing Pima to let her live, Nailer must find a way to benefit from his actions. When his father finds them hiding on the island, Nailer must decide if he stays with his abusive, drug addicted father or tries to rescue Nita in hopes of some kind of reward. Because if he goes against his father, there will be no turning back. As he and Nita try and escape, they are joined by a half man named Tool- genetically bred with animal dna. Nita leads them to Orleans to find her father's ships and make their escape. Unfortunately, Nailer's father has the same idea and manages to get to Nita first. Nailer must decide if he will risk his life to save her or leave with Tool. I'm not usually a fan of this type of book. It's grungy and slimy and a constant fight for survival. But I really enjoyed this one. Nita is not a damsel in distress, she gets her hands dirty and is in the fight as much as Nailer. Nailer is an interesting character who must fight his upbringing in order to lead a better life. There was not a moment of down time, this is a fast paced novel that was hard to put down. So if you're looking for a supernatural free book- give this one a try. Crew up and happy reading my friends!
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
A Clockwork Prince

Sunday, December 11, 2011
Dark Inside
I have found myself reading an absurd amount of dystopian YA lately. The Apocalypse, zombies, earthquakes, all the adults turned into killers. Dark Inside by Jeyn Roberts is one of the darker versions. It tells the story of four teenagers, Michael, Clementine, Mason and Aries who each survive the initial event that leaves millions dead and has turned the rest into indiscriminate killers. They each have a survival story and face many horrific choices. Some act bravely, some act cowardly, but all of them try and make their way to Vancouver, where there may be a safe place to stay. The Baggers (the crazed killers) are not like the mindless zombies you may find in other books. They are smart and almost human, but possess such an evil streak you wouldn't want to run into one. There is a fifth narrator in this story, one that is an evil voice who has become part of the group. You are never told who it may be that will turn traitor. Every character has the potential to be that person. The body count in this book is high and it is not for the weak of stomach or heart. Don't get too attached to any of the characters because they may not be around by the next chapter. I liked this book, but it isn't for everyone. Definitely not a feel good story. It can't compare to Blood Red Road as far as dystopia goes. This book is set in modern times and I'm sure it is poised for a sequel, things are certainly not resolved by the end. Will I read the sequel ?- time will tell. I have 25 books on a shelf waiting to be read and another box on its way. Counting the days to Christmas break so I can make a dent in that pile. What's next you ask? Well Will Herondale is back in A Clockwork Prince and I cannot wait to see what he is up to . (He is a top ten fictional boy, you know) Well, Will awaits so I will say farewell for now. Happy Reading my friends!
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Beautiful Chaos
Oh, Ethan Wate, southern gentlemen have nothing on you! Would you give up your life to save all those you love? Ethan has to make that choice in this, the third novel in the Beautiful Creatures series by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl. I have really enjoyed the love story between Lena and Ethan. She is a Caster from a family of mystical people. He is a mortal, surrounded by extraordinary people. They meet and fall in love. In this book, the repercussions of Amma and Lena bringing Ethan back to life in book two, come to play. The order of the world has been destroyed, and only "The One who is Two" can save it. But who is that? Lena- who is dark AND light, John Breed- who is evil and good- Macon- who is Incubus and Caster or could it be Link- who used to be human? As everyone tries to figure out who it is that can save the world, Ethan finds the answer. And his family isn't going to like it. These books are filled with interesting, funny, loyal and heartbreaking characters. Every one of them is important to the development of the story. It makes me want to go visit the south and experience the small town connection. If I thought this was the last book, I would be crushed by it's ending, but thankfully on the last page those magical words appeared..."Nineteen moons"... I eagerly await its arrival. If you love a supernatural romance filled with suspense and mystery I suggest you check out this series. You won't be disappointed. Happy reading my friends! May your December be filled with books galore.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Water Water Everywhere and not a drop to drink...
One of my favorite Seinfeld lines is "these pretzels are making me thirsty". Well, this book was making me thirsty. Imagine a world where water is scarce and controlled by the government. Where even the food is synthetic and you have to take dry showers. Where the United States is no longer united. That is the setting for Cameron Stracher's Water Wars. Brother and sister Will and Vera live in this desolate landscape with their parents. Their mom is sick, as are most people because of the lack of fresh water. Canada has dammed up any water that used to flow into the U.S. and Niagra Falls is now just an empty cavern where orphans are forced to work to look for water. One day on the way to school, Vera sees a mysterious boy drinking a cup of water, and he lets a few drops hit the ground. This is a violation of the law and when Vera calls him on it, he just kind of smiles. This is Kai, and he is a diviner. He can divine where water is under the ground. This makes him an invaluable commodity to the governments of all the territories. Will and Vera become his friends and when he mysteriously disappears, they set off to save him. On the way, they are kidnapped (or rescued) by pirates, led by the larger than life Ulysses. Then they are taken by PELA, an environmental group with not so benevolent intentions. As they go on their search for Kai, they encounter a load of obstacles and meet some interesting characters. This was a good read, I enjoyed the characters, but won't be one of my top ten of anything. So, reports are all graded (yay), shopping is done and a NoDids lunch is in the immediate future. I wonder what we will read next... hopefully someone has an idea. As for me, I am reading Beautiful Chaos, book three in Ethan and Lena's tale. Love this series and I'm glad it's only day 2 of vacation. Lots of time to read, mixed in with a trip to see Breaking Dawn. Hope all your Thanksgiving plans are pleasant. Happy Reading my friends.
Monday, November 21, 2011
Okay, so I finished Chris Creed last night and thought I would just start Ellen Hopkins new book, Perfect. It is written in poetry, so I just wanted to get a feel for her new characters. 600 or so pages later, I couldn't put it down. She is a master of the written word with an amazing insight into the teenage mind. She brings devastating issues to light in an accessible way. While her books are not always appropriate for my 8th graders, they are certainly necessary. This one is no different. The book is told in 4 voices, Cara- a twin whose brother has just tried to commit suicide, Sean- a baseball player trying to get an edge with steroids, Kendra- a wanna be model just trying to be thin enough and Andre- a dancer who can't tell his overachieving parents he wants to dance. Of course in typical Hopkins style, all their lives intersect in heartbreaking and tragic ways, mixed in with a little hope for a better future. These are all topics kids need to know about and this is a safe way to explore them, through YA literature. So while I don't put these books on my shelves, I have them in my classroom for the students who need them, and whose parents approve. I admire those parents. These topics are not easy, but can have devastating after effects if not dealt with. Enough of that. The poetry is beautiful, visually interesting and heartbreakingly real. It shows the consequences of our actions and delivers the message that each of us is perfect just the way we are, especially if we let our inner beauty out. Not just a message for teens. Don't know what I'll read next, the pile is 10 high, only two reports to go and a trip to Costco today. Happy Reading my friends, and remember you are all perfect the way you are.
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Following Christopher Creed
A long time ago, I read one of my all time favorite books- The Body of Christopher Creed. It is a fantastic mystery and every book by Carol Plum-Ucci that I have read since have been great. But there was always the mystery of what had really happened to Chris Creed. So imagine my surprise when I saw that she had written a sequel. As I started my long overdue week off of Thanksgiving break, I allowed myself to read in half hour shifts between grading Bill of Rights projects. I definitely enjoyed going back to the characters that had made me love the first book, but it was told by a new narrator, a blind, college reporter who had followed the story of Chris Creed and returned to Creed's hometown when a body is uncovered in the woods. As Mike tries to help Creed's younger brother Justin come to terms with his missing brother and his drug abuse, he is embroiled in the "bad frequency" the town seems to give off. Mike, himself, is running from a shady and difficult past, and finds himself relating all to well to Justin's problems. When Torey Adams and Bo Richardson come back to town for a funeral, Mike angles for a way to get an interview with his online heroes (Torey wrote a blog about Chris Creed). What did Justin have to do with the dead body, where is Chris Creed, and who is Mike really? I must say, I didn't see the end coming- which I usually do. Shocking twist that really made me love this book. A worthy sequel to Chris Creed and yet another fine read by Carol Plum-Ucci. But don't take my word for it- go back to the original first and you won't regret it. 7 days left of vacation, 7 more reports to grade and many more books to enjoy. Happy reading my friends! And Happy Thanksgiving!
Monday, November 14, 2011
The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer
Wow. What. A. Ride. Love. This. Book. Enough said? From the first page of this book by Michelle Hodkin, I was HOOKED. Mara Dyer is a teenage girl who just survived a building collapse that killed her best friend and two others. Her family moves with her to Florida to get away from it all. On her first day of school she meets the It boy of the school, Noah Shaw. DREAMY. Definite top ten fictional boy material, that Noah is. Anyway, as Noah and Mara become unlikely friends, Mara slowly believes she is going crazy, seeing dead people from her past. She is convinced that she needs to be committed. Things get weirder and weirder, until one night when Noah knocks on her window to tell her her brother Joseph has been kidnapped and they need to rescue him. The next day, she isn't sure it was real or a dream or a hallucination. When Mara realizes people around her tend to end up dead, she and Noah figure out why they have been brought together. Can Noah convince her to control her powers or will she be lost to the dark forever? And are her friends really dead? What an ending! Can't wait for the next installment!! Will Mare and Noah finally kiss? Will her kiss kill him? Is Jude really still alive? Can Mara control her power? What will her family say when they find out about her? What would you do if you had their power? And where did the power come from? If you want a page turnin' great thrill ride, pick up The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer as soon as you can and let me know what you think. Great pick for NoDids Burt! Happy reading my friends!
Saturday, November 5, 2011
The Name of the Star

Monday, October 24, 2011
"Once upon a time, an angel and a devil fell in love. It did not end well."
They say you should never judge a book by it's cover and this gem by Laini Taylor, Daughter of Smoke and Bone, proves that rule. It was recommended on the BN website and I heard from some friends who saw Scott Westerfeld (Pretties, Uglies, etc.) that he raved about this book. Add me to the list of fans! This is the story of Karou, a 17 year old girl who has her foot in two worlds. One is the human world, where she lives in Prague. The other is the world of the Chimaera, part animal, part human, where she is being raised by Brimstone. Brimstone is a chimaera with a secret, a HUGE secret, about who Karou really is. The drama begins when Akiva, a seraphim soldier, spots Karou while she is on a mission for Brimstone in Marakkesh. He instantly feels a connection to her, and it stops him from killing her on site. You see, the Seraphim (Angels) and the Chimaera have been at war since the beginning of time and that make Karou his enemy. They are drawn to each other and when Akiva realizes why, both his wildest dream and worst nightmare comes true. His vengeance when he lost his greatest love, will have lasting impact on Karou and her Chimaera family. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE these characters and this book. I haven't read anything like it and look forward to the sequel... which I am actually glad about. Some books you just want to end, but I could live in this strange world for a while longer. Laini Taylor has some absolutely fantastic lines in this book- beautifully written figurative language. "The air in the grove was rich enough to sip, full enough to dance with" I hope you all take my advice and don't judge this book by it's cover. You'll fall in love with Akiva, Karou and Brimstone and maybe you'll find a wishbone to hope on.
Monday, October 17, 2011
FINALLY finished. Birthmarked is the story of Gaia, who helps her mother deliver babies outside the wall. Set in the future, the first three babies born in each area must be given to a family inside the wall, where they will live a life of luxury and privilege. Gaia was burned as a child, so she was not taken like her two older brothers were, deformities and illness are not allowed inside the wall. One night, her parents are taken, arrested and held for execution because they have been keeping secret records of these taken children. Gaia is determined to set them free and finds a way to sneak inside the wall. While she is there, she is witness to a hanging of a pregnant woman. After the woman is hanged, Gaia races to save the unborn baby and draws a great deal of attention to herself, making her a marked girl.Along the way, she meets a member of the guard named Leon, who can't decide if he wants to help her or arrest her. Leon has secrets of his own, making him a dangerous ally for Gaia. Gaia finds help in all sorts of different places as she struggles to find her parents. This book is not a happily ever after kind of book. Much death occurs, sad things happen and you are left hanging as Gaia tries to make her way to the Dead Forest with precious cargo in her arms. This book had an interesting premise, and a strong female lead who makes you realize looks don't determine character. I'm off on a new adventure with a New Year's resolution- 3 months early- to read at least a half an hour when I get home. No more bad tv- just some good books. My new book is Daughter of Smoke and Bone which is of course a supernatural thriller. Just started it last night, but I'm already hooked. Happy Reading my darlings.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Time time time
I haven't disappeared... so busy at work and after work, meeting after meeting. But I am currently almost done with Birthmarked, a book about a society where the first three babies born each month are given to the rich folks inside the city walls. Enjoying it when I get a chance to read. I had the great opportunity to see three authors who came to our school last Friday. I talked about them in my last blog. It was inspiring to meet and talk to them. They were so interesting and friendly and willing to answer our questions. It was even better to see some old students who came back to see them too- Bridget, Faaria and Nabila. I miss talking to my girls about books. Anyway, just wanted to check in and see what everyone was up to. Back to the grind- so many new books on the way that I can't wait to read, it's killing me. I need a vacation or day off to try and catch up. If that is possible. Happy reading to those who have the time.
Monday, September 26, 2011
Gimme Shelter
I've been waiting for a long time to read this book and my review may be a little biased so bear with me. I have been reading Harlan Coben's books for many years now. I love his Myron Bolitar series. The characters are like family to me. They are about sports, which I love, they take place in New Jersey, where I am originally from and they have two of my all time favorite characters in them- Myron and Win. I look forward to these books with a passion. So when I heard he was going to take Myron's nephew- a character in his last adult book, and spin him off into a young adult series, you can imagine how exciting I thought that was. (So I emailed him and told him so- and guess what- he emailed me back! Imagine my surprise and delight when that appeared in my in box). Well let me say- well played Mr. Coben. Shelter is filled with adventure, mystery and excitement. There is the typical Coben humor wrapped around every page. Mickey is a great character- even if he does spend much of the book making fun of his "dorky" Uncle Myron. (How dare you call Myron dorky-!!!) Mickey is forced to live with Myron when his dad dies and his mother is sent to rehab. Mickey does not like his uncle. Mickey makes that perfectly clear every chance he gets. One day Mickey is walking past the crazy Bat Lady's house and she tells him "Your father isn't dead". Hmmm. Mickey is shocked and intrigued and much like his uncle, sets out to solve this mystery with the help of his new friends, Ema and Spoon. Is Mickey's dad alive? Where did his girlfriend Ashley disappear to? Who is the Bat Lady really? (and boy is that one a twist) And how do the Nazi's fit in with all this? I can't wait for a sequel because you really left us hanging didn't you Mr. Coben? Shelter was well worth the wait, lived up to my expectations and left me eager to see where Mickey's adventures will lead him next -because if we know anything about the Bolitars- we know they can't let a good mystery go unsolved. So I sign off now with a satisfied *sigh* and continue my love of all things Coben. Happy reading my friends.
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Blood Red Road
I must admit, when I started this book, I didn't think I could finish it. There are NO quotation marks and that is a pet peeve of mine. It is also written in dialect, also not appealing to me in YA novels. But, since the author is visiting our school in a couple of weeks, I decided to finish it. And boy am I glad I did. What a GREAT book. I loved the main characters, Saba and Jack. It had a great storyline, action, romance, adventure and a crow named Nero that saves the day and can play dice. It had a Hunger Games feel to it in places and there was never a dull moment. All those things make it a great read for young adult readers, if they can figure out the quotation mark thing. But maybe that doesn't bother other people. Saba is a strong female character who can take care of herself and goes on a journey of discovery while trying to save her twin brother Lugh. On the way, she is kidnapped, forced to cage fight to the death, loses her little sister and meets a warrior-thief named Jack. Jack teaches Saba what it means to have friends and how to love family. Of course the fact that he has dreamy silver eyes doesn't hurt the situation at all. Jack holds a firm place in that top ten list of my favorite fiction boys and Saba is a character I would like to read more about. Will there be a sequel? Just one of the questions I have for Moira Young when she comes to school. Give Blood Red Road a try and I guarantee you will find something to like about it. Quotation marks or not. Happy Reading my friends.
Sunday, September 18, 2011

Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Shadowcry by Jenna Burtenshaw
Kate has lived a simple life working in her families bookstore with her Uncle Artemis and friend Edgar. One day the wardens show up to gather able bodied men to fight the war but they are also looking for someone. As Kate is hiding in the basement, she brings a blackbird back to life. This is just the sign the watchers are looking for and Kate is taken away to the Fume as one of the Skilled- a person who can walk between the veil of life and death. Silas, the most frightening warden of them all, wants her for something too. He wants her to kill him. He has been cursed with living a soulless life as a tool for the evil Da'ru. Kate has only one goal- to save her uncle and Edgar. She will do whatever it takes to accomplish this task, even if it means helping Da'ru. This book was okay, not one of my favorites. Silas could really be an interesting character and I would like to learn more about him. Kate was courageous, Edgar was a loyal friend and Uncle Artemis was a bit of a nincompoop. All and all, I look for a little more intrigue and suspense in my books and this was only skimming the surface of this. Waiting for a new box of books to come- hopefully Shelter will be among them. I also have to read two books by our upcoming visiting authors. Can't wait for October 7th when the ladies will be at RMMS sharing their great books. In the meantime- happy reading my friends.
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Ashes, Ashes... we all fall DEAD!
Lately I have been reading end of the world type books. Is this because there is a new supply of them, is it because the world is going to end in 2012 according to the Aztecs or Mayans, is it because boys love end of the world books and boys are harder to motivate to read? I don't know- but Ashes, Ashes by Jo Treggiari was a good read. In this world, smallpox has wiped out most of the population and Lucy finds herself alone in New York amidst the rubble of the natural disasters that have been striking the what is left of the world. As she is out hunting for something to eat, a pack of feral dogs chases her, eager to catch and kill her. Lucky for her, Aidan is watching from up a tree and reaches out his hand to her in the nick of time. She hasn't spoken to another human in a long time and she has a hard time trusting this brave, infuriating boy. When her camp is destroyed by a tidal wave, she goes off in search of his settlement and reluctantly joins them. When Seekers come and kidnap some members of the settlement, Lucy and Aidan set out to save them. What they don't know is that the Doctors who kidnapped the kids really want Lucy- because her blood may be the cure to smallpox. There is lots of great description of the destroyed city and of course a love triangle emerges. Love conquers all, right? Even an apocalyptic world of smallpox. I give this a thumbs up. Happy reading my friends.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
The Maze Runner
As our school librarian said to me last week- you haven't read this YET? Well, I can now say I have. Maze Runner is about a boy named Thomas who wakes up in a box. As he is lifted out, he is greeted by a community of boys who have no idea how they got there in the Glades- and this ain't Florida my friends. The community is surrounded be a GIGANTIC maze that the boys have to try and solve. Only the runners are allowed to be in the maze and Thomas is sure he wants to be a runner, in fact, he remembers he once was a runner. When an accident happens and Thomas finds himself in the maze after dark, he realizes that he has been there before and even worse, others seem to know this too and hate him. When a girl shows up in the box, all heck breaks loose and he has a weird connection to her- they can communicate in their minds. She has somehow triggered "the ending". And when the city walls don't close and the sun doesn't come out, and the Grievers come looking for one victim a night, Thomas knows he has to do something. Only one problem, it looks like a suicide mission. This was an okay book, I think my students would really like it, and I may read the sequel- The Scorch Trials eventually. I am eagerly awaiting the release of my FAVORITE adult authors' first YA book next week. I'll let you know how that goes. In the meantime, look out for Grievers, and keep searching for the solution to the maze.
The Enemy
What would happen if everyone over the age of 16 suddenly got a disease? What if that disease turned them into mindless zombies? What if all they wanted to do was kill and eat you? Where do you hide, how do you find food and how do you defend yourself? A group of kids in London have to figure all this out or die trying. When a mysterious kid shows up and tells them that they could find safety across town, Maxie and Arryn find it hard to believe. But the zombies are getting closer, and food is running low, so they make the choice to make a run for this promised land- which just happens to be Buckingham Palace where a few zombies of the royal family are being held captive. On their journey they meet up with other groups of kids and some are lost along the way. Buckingham palace is run by a kid named David and it seems too good to be true. So of course , it is too good to be true. Can Maxie convince the others that something is wrong, can Sam survive on his own, and why is there one zombie who all of a sudden seems to be able to think and plan? This was a great read by Charlie Higson who also wrote the young James Bond series. It was a well- written and entertaining book that I couldn't put down. I have the prequel on my shelf and will pick it up soon and see what happens before... just hope that zombie disease doesn't strike me before I have the chance. Happy reading!
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Steampunk Anyone? The Girl in the Steel Corset
I've been hearing about Steampunk for years. This is my first journey into this world. And I must say, I really enjoyed it. Steampunk is when you take machinery etc. that is modern and put it into a time period where it didn't exist. This novel takes place in Victorian England and involves a Duke and his friends. They are fighting "The Machinist", an evil mastemind who figures out how to make automatons (robots) come to life. Griffin is the Duke who runs the show along with his friends Emily, the genius, Jasper, the American cowboy, Sam, half man, half metal and new addition, Finley, who just might have the real Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde as her father. Each of these characters has a power that comes from some mysterious Organites that their now deceased parents had found. As these friends try to figure out who they can trust, they are called on to save Queen Victoria during her Jubilee. To add intrigue to the mix, Finley finds herself not only drawn to dreamy Griffin, but to the nefarious Jack Dandy- who may not be as nefarious as he seems. This book ended with a cliffhanger that will bring the gang to New York City to help one of their own. I thoroughly enjoyed this novel and the only reason it took me so long to read is that school is back in session. Pick this one up if you want to try some Steampunk! And if you really like the idea of robots... I read a great adult novel called Robocalypse that documents the year that computers take over the world. Scary.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Book three of the Lauren Kate series about mortal Lucinda and her soul mate fallen angel, Daniel Grigori, picks up immediately after Torment left off. Lucinda has jumped into an Announcer as a means to try and break the curse that keeps her and Daniel apart. This books takes you on a tour of time, ancient Egypt, World War 1 in Italy, at the home of the French King, as Lucinda discovers all the times she and Daniel have met and all the times she has died. She has a guide on the way, a gargoyle named Bill, who is not what he seems of course. Daniel chases her through time, trying to figure out a way to end the curse as well. The other Fallen Angels are also on the hunt to find current day Lucinda. This was not my favorite book in the series. It spent a lot of time on Luce trying to figure out if Daniel really loves her... duh! It got interesting in the final few pages as the real identity of Bill is revealed and his master plan unleashed. As the Angels, both good and bad, gather to figure out a way to stop this plan, book three ends... and the wait for Rapture begins... Spring 2012. Daniel remains one of my favorite fictional boys and I think Cam may worm his way onto my list as this series ends- but the jury is still out on that for now.
Saturday, July 23, 2011
The Exiled Queen

Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Thirteen Days to Midnight

Monday, July 11, 2011
The Body Finder
Violet can find the dead. Animals, and people. She can read the echo they leave behind. She can also sense the same echo on the thing that caused the death. She realized this when she was 8 when she found the first dead girl. Now that she is in high school, and she finds the next dead girl, things get hairy for her. You see, the killer knows that she is somehow able to find these bodies and she becomes the hunted. Mixed in this story is a romance with her best friend Jay, who would die trying to protect her. This book was okay. Not the best or worst of my summer of reading. I enjoyed the relationship between Vi and Jay as they figure out they want to be more than friends. The story moves along at a good pace and there are some tense moments for the major characters. And of course, there is a sequel to this book called Desires of the Dead, but I won't rush out for that one. This was a solid story with an interesting take- being able to find bodies and not a vampire or werewolf in sight.
Saturday, July 9, 2011
The Replacement
Mackie Doyle knows he isn't right. He knows he's a monster. He lives in a town that knows there are monsters that steal their children in return for prosperity. Mackie was left in place of one of these children. He is allergic to iron, blood and other things that we take for granted. His sister Emma is his biggest fan and his best friend Roswell always looks out for him. When a child is taken, the sister of the little girl, Tate, knows something is up and she is not willing to look the other way. She insists Mackie help her and because he has feelings for her, he eventually tries to get her sister back from 'Underground'. This was an interesting book that was very enjoyable. It is a little complicated to follow if you are not a good reader. I gave this book to a student to read last year before I read it, and there was no way he would have understood it. (which is why I guess he never finished it!!) Mackie is an interesting character who finally figures out what love really means. I enjoyed this book and would recommend it to people who enjoy the weird and supernatural in a non-vampire/werewolf sort of way. It is creepy and eerie how the town lets this go on under their noses.
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Ciao Bella!
I often think I would like to have lived in another time. And having gone to Italy a few years ago, I realized I would always long to go back there and explore some more. Waterfall by Lisa Bergren was a combination of the two dreams. Gabi and her sister Lia are transported back in time to Siena in the 14th century. They are found by some Italian Knights and then the fun starts. The sisters are initially separated and helped by warring families. Gabi is found by Marcello Forelli, who is of course, brave, handsome and chivalrous. Naturally they fall in love even though he is promised to Romana Rossi, the daughter of one of the Nine of Siena. Oh, and the fact that Gabi isn't from the 1300's may be a stumbling block. Gabi is torn between wanting to stay with Marcello and helping Lia get home. They help capture another castle and use their 21st century skills to help plot the attack, stave off their enemies and help Marcello's older brother survive an asthma attack. Gabi finds herself the victim of a poisoning and is forced to try and get home before she dies. "Return to me" Marcello says to her... and now we wait for book two and three of the series. The sequel is out now and part three comes out in September. I really enjoyed reading about this time period in Italy as well as learning about Siena and Florence's adversarial history. I know one thing- I would definitely be up for meeting an Italian Knight... Fortes fortuna adiuvat!
Monday, July 4, 2011
Peculiar Children...

The Magnolia League
This book is an example of a recommendation that didn't pan out. It is the story of Alex Lee who is living in a commune in Mendocino with her mother. When her mother dies in a car crash, her grandmother in Georgia sends for her. You see, Alex is the next in line to run the Magnolia League, a prestigious group in Savannah. The league, of course, comes with its' own set of rules. See, the league is tied to Hoodoo, a form of magic. The league uses magic to stay pretty, ageless and rich. Of course, with these powers come consequences. This is obviously the first book in what is going to be a series, it totally sets up book two. I, however, will not be rushing to the store to buy it. The characters were SHALLOW and surface. I didn't connect to any of them. It is probably like the Clique books, which I haven't read, with magic. I know this will appeal to some people out there, so if you like books about magic, you may enjoy this one. There aren't any major exciting events, and honestly I couldn't remember the main characters name when I went to write this. It was a pretty simple. light summer read that I will have forgotten about before the end of my summer reading mission. But, you have to decide for yourself!
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Okay for Now
After the last book, I decided to get into some lighter reading. Have you read The Wednesday Wars by Gary Schmidt? Let me just say, that is one of my all time favorite books- which is saying a lot. And not just because it involves the Yankees. This book takes one of the characters from that novel, Doug Swieteck, and moves him to another city, with his abusive father, obnoxious brother and long suffering mother. His other brother, Lucas is off fighting in Vietnam. Doug has more to deal with than most kids and he is understandably bitter. As he makes his way through his new stupid town, he meets lots of stupid people- his own words. He becomes a delivery boy which puts him in contact with some great characters, all while trying to overcome his brother, Chris's awful reputation, and his father's ridiculous behavior. I cried my way through this one, and probably will every time I think about it. From the science teacher who figures out Doug can't read, to Lil, the girl of his dreams, the librarian who teaches him to draw, the eccentric old woman who writes broadway plays, legendary Joe Pepitone of the Yankees, to John Audubon's books of birds,and Lucas, who comes back from Vietnam without his legs, each character teaches Doug something about himself and Doug teaches them something as well. I can't say enough great things about this book. It is beautifully written about a time when putting a man on the moon was a miraculous thing and learning that people can change no matter how far down the wrong road they had gone. So get your box of tissues handy and take a trip to Marysville, New York where you will wind up wishing you could live next to these remarkable characters. Go ahead, take a chance, you won't regret it.
I'm always on the look out for 'boy' books. This one looked promising. It is, however, not for the faint of heart. This is the story of Joey Crouch. His mother dies and sends him to live with the father he never knew. When he arrives at his father's "house", his father takes one look at him and disappears for three days. The house smells like death, Joey has no food or bed and has to make his own way to school, where he is immediately a spectacle as he is "The Garbageman's" son. Joey follows his father one night to see where he goes, and finds him robbing a grave. He takes a picture of him and uses it to blackmail his father to teach him the ways of Diggers. This leads Joey on a very dark path-fraught with peril, scary choices and near death experiences. His father teaches him the long and storied history of Diggers, who once stole bodies for doctors to dissect in the old days. Joey is an outcast at school and is viciously bullied by students and teachers alike. He becomes less like his mother and more like his father- and is pulled into the mysterious world. Awful things happen, other Diggers get involved, Joey goes down a path he may not be able to return from. This is one dark book. It is not for everyone. It is pretty graphic and gory and filled with characters that are each more disturbing than the next. The jury is out on whether I enjoyed this book, but it was definitely a unique idea and a world not usually found in YA literature. So read at your own risk, you Rotters!
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Holy Great Book Batman!!
I have to admit, I sometimes read a book reluctantly. My book club picked this one and I was afraid it was going to be along the line of The Lightning Thief . Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed that series, but it was on the younger end of things. So I sucked it up and read Starcrossed by Josephine Angelini because it is a longer book and my book club meets next week. Let me ask you this, do you remember the first time you read Twilight? I mean before the ridiculous hype of it? Have you been looking for something to take it's place? This book just might be it. Don't be turned off if you didn't like Twilight- this one isn't about vampires. It is about Greek Demigods- called Scions. It has all the requirements, beautiful girl, spectacular boy, warring families, oracles, fighting, teen angst etc. Only for a change, the female lead is NOT helpless, she is actually the most powerful of them all. Helen is a shy girl, who tries to hide herself from the world. She doesn't know what she really is. Her mother left her when she was a baby and she is being raised by her mortal dad. Then the Delos clan come to the island and each is more spectacular than the next- especially Lucas. But Helen sees Lucas and wants to literally kill him. And she tries. This leads her to finding out who she is and how powerful she can become. So as you may have guessed, she and Lucas don't kill each other, but as the title tells us, their love will wind up being starcrossed. Can they break the cycle of Greek mythology that tears families apart or will they have to resist their love forever. All the characters in this story are great- love Jason and Hector as well. Of course this book is not the end, as it is primed for a sequel or two. I will look forward to another book for sure and Lucas goes in the top 5 of my favorite fake boys. Watch out Jace, you might have some competition here!
Monday, June 27, 2011
As far as sequels go, this is a good one, and a perfect bridge book. In the first book, Shiver, by Maggie Stiefvater, Grace watches the wolves in the woods. One of them is Sam. He is human part of the year and in the winter, he becomes a wolf. When Sam is in human form, he falls in love with Grace, who he has a past with. They spend book one trying to keep Sam human. In this book, Sam is trying hard to believe he will stay human. Grace, however, is showing signs that things aren't right with her-see she was bitten by a wolf when she was just a little girl. This novel introduces a new character Cole. He is a former boy band rockstar who became a wolf willingly to lose himself. How will he help or hurt the situation? The question becomes, now that Sam is human, what happens if Grace isn't? Can he save her and himself by finding a cure? I guess we all have to wait for book three to see what happens. I, for one, am hoping for a happy ending.
A new box of books arrived in the mail the other day, and I can't wait to get started on them. The sequel to Demon King, the sequel to Torment and a new book by Wednesday Wars (one of my all time favorites) author Gary Schmidt. But first, my book club has picked a book called Starcrossed so that will be next for me. Anyone have any other suggestions? I'd love to hear them!
A new box of books arrived in the mail the other day, and I can't wait to get started on them. The sequel to Demon King, the sequel to Torment and a new book by Wednesday Wars (one of my all time favorites) author Gary Schmidt. But first, my book club has picked a book called Starcrossed so that will be next for me. Anyone have any other suggestions? I'd love to hear them!
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Mr. Sandman.... bring me a dream
In taking a break from sequels, I quickly read Sleepless by Cyn Balog. It was a short novel told in alternating voices. One voice is Julia, the other is her sandman, Eron. Eron has been putting Julia to sleep since she was born. When Julia's boyfriend, Griffin, dies in a car crash, he is chosen to replace Eron as sandman since Eron is now allowed to become human again as his 100 years of service is up. You know the drill, of course, Eron falls for Julia and Griffin gets jealous. There is nothing worse than an angry sandman who likes to get involved in the human lives. The twist is, if Griffin can't do his job, then Eron can't become human and must stay as sandman for 100 more years. This was a pretty good read, not the best or worst of the summer so far. If you like a quick tale, with a different supernatural element, you might enjoy this one. Eron is very likeable, as he tries to make his way in the 21st century considering he was alive in the early 1900's. It is fun to watch him try and figure out the lingo, television and the clothing of today. Now it's back to sequels with Linger, the follow up to Shiver - to be a wolf or not to be a wolf- that is the question!
Friday, June 24, 2011
Sequel 2... City of Fallen Angels
Don't get me wrong. I LOVE JACE whatever his last name is (Herondale, Lightfoot, Morgenstern) . He is one of my all time favorite characters, I love his look, his attitude, his job, his friends. I love him with Clary- she is not some damsel he has to save, in fact, she saves him as much as he saves her. But enough is enough. I can't take anymore. Let them live happily ever after. I mean we have Bella and Edward and Harry and Ginny and even Katniss and Peeta all living out their happily ever afters. I hated Mockingjay, but at least it is over. Now, with that being said, I do love this series, I just want them to be happy for more than one page. This sequel to City of Glass was non stop action and torment. Why can't Jace just be happy? Why can't Simon get a girlfriend? Why can't Luke and Jocelyn just get married? So this sequel finds those crazy Shadowhunters recovering from the deaths of Valentine and Sebastian...or are they? Simon's Mark of Cain, Camille from Clockwork Angel, and Lilith, the mother of all evil make appearances to ruin the peace of our heroes. The consequences of bringing Jace back from the dead will definitely get in the way of happiness for our heroic couple. Ehhhh. I did enjoy the references to Will Herondale from the companion series The Infernal Devices and can't wait to see how they all tie together, but how long must I wait? What a complainer I am today. Sorry. I will stick by Jace to the bitter end, and hopefully it won't be so bitter. I want my own runes and wouldn't mind being a Shadowhunter if this teacher gig doesn't work out. I think I could wield a wicked sword, I'd call mine JACE. Gonna take a break from sequels and read one about a sandman... a new kind of supernatural for me. Happy reading all.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
and the sequels begin with... InVincible
Nick Gautier is destined to end the world. Literally. Unless he can change the events of his life and alter the course of history. No problem, right? Nick is a fourteen year old in New Orleans who is just learning how powerful he is. In the first book of this series Infinity, by Sherrilyn Kenyon, Nick learns that the supernatural exist and are all around him. In book two, the action picks right back up. And doesn't stop. This book is a page turner, never a dull moment. Nick is sarcastic- which I love- and dedicated to protecting those around him. As he learns to use his powers, he will have to decide if he stays good or turns into his father- an evil being. There is a great twist about this story, but I don't want to give it away. But Ambrose is not who you might think. I love all the other characters in this story, the loyal Kyrian, the mysterious Acheron, the nutty Simi and lovely Kody, none of whom are what they seem. This is a great 'boy' book, lots of angst over wanting a girlfriend, dealing with bullies and worrying about what he doesn't have. Great sequel that of course left me hanging for the next one. On to the next sequel- City of Fallen Angels by Cassandra Clare and the world of Shadowhunters with one of my all time favorite characters- Jace. Happy reading.
Monday, June 20, 2011
What happened to goodbye?
I hate Sarah Dessen. I know that sounds harsh. I was dragged into reading The Truth About Forever by my book club. I hate that she writes these books that I can't put down. I hate that she writes these characters that reek of realism. I hate that she finds a way in all her books to make me cry. So when I say I hate Sarah Dessen, I hate that I don't mean it. I put off reading this book because I knew when I was done I would be sad that it was over, would need tissues and would have new characters that would forever be in my memory. What Happened to Goodbye is the story of Mclean, who is not handling her parents divorce very well. She lives with her dad, who moves around a lot as he rehabilitates restaurants. Mclean is mad at her mother as she blames her for the dissolution of her family. She copes by reinventing herself in each new school, drama geek, goth, student council joiner. She changes her name at each stop as well. As they arrive in this new place, she fully intends to do the same thing. But something happens, and she realizes that making connections to other people isn't such a bad thing. Of course, there is a cute neighbor named Dave who helps her with this realization. If you hate Sarah Dessen as much as I do, this is the book for you- just keep the tissues close and enjoy the ride.
Friday, June 17, 2011
All hope abandon, all ye who enter in...
When Pierce Oliviera meets a stranger in a cemetery when she is 7, her life is forever altered. It's probably not a good thing to catch the attention of a keeper of the Underworld. When she dies at 15 and meets him again, she realizes her life will never be the same. He wants her to stay with him in the Underworld, she wants to go. After she escapes and is brought back to life, she is haunted by this man (or actually a handsome "wild thing") She can't decide what to make of him, is she terrified or fascinated- or both? When she moves back to Isla Huesos with her mother, she sees him everywhere and why not, the island is on top of an entrance to the Underworld. Of course, the Furies are also after her. (lots of Greek mythology in this one) What if the only way to stay alive and protect her loved ones, is to go back to the Underworld and stay with John- the mysterious stranger. I LOVED THIS BOOK. Couldn't put it down. Meg Cabot has started a series that will keep the readers guessing and interested. Looking forward to reading more, put John on the list next to Jace, Patch, Daniel, Tobias, Han, Amon, and the list goes on . What is it about a bad boy?
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Would you rather be a hero or a villain?
It's Damien's sixteenth birthday- the day he's been waiting for- the day when the V will appear on his thumb declaring him a supervillain. He will finally be able to join his friends at the villain's high school where his girlfriend and best friend will be going. He'll be able to work with his mom on all her evil plots. Well, at midnight, when the V is supposed to appear, instead he gets an X on his thumb. What the heck?? Damien comes to find out his mother had a one night stand with -wait for it- a SUPERHERO!! This devastates Damien, I mean really, a superhero father!! Damien finds out who his father is and is forced to go and live with The Crimson Flash to see which side he will really be joining. Of course, he keeps getting into situations that force him to HELP people he loves- dang it- that sounds almost heroic! This book was really clever and interesting. Damien has a great sense of humor and uses it to get himself out of and into difficult situations. Oh- and he's afraid of heights- quite a problem for someone who has the power to fly. I definitely recommend The Rise of Renegade X by Chelsea Campbell for all readers. It has it all, love, action, humor and a fast paced story- sidekick included.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
The Demon King
Evil wizards, the bad boy, the loyal friend, the street kid with a mysterious past and a princess. Clans, realms, wars, magic amulets, intrigue and cliffhanger endings. If any of these things appeal to you, check out the book The Demon King by Cinda Williams Chima. It is the first in the Seven Realms Trilogy. All I can say is after I am done writing this, I will be ordering book two. This is a great fantasy novel with strong characters and lots of mystery and romance. I can't decide who I am rooting for yet- Amon or Han...and how will Micah fit into Raisa's future? There are many storylines to follow, so give it a chance, it will be a tough read at first, but once you get going and follow Raisa into the town disguised as a servant girl, you will be hooked. What are those silver cuffs on Han's wrists that he can't get off, why are the Bayar's chasing him down to retrieve the amulet he stole? Who will Raisa be forced to marry as she comes of age? What hold does Bayar hold over her mother the queen? I still don't know!! That's why I'll be reading book two as soon as it arrives. It's been a good summer of reading so far! What are you all reading this summer?
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Wither or Not
Sat down yesterday and picked up the next book in the pile. One of my students, Ashley, read it for a reading minute and it sounded like a winner. The title is Wither by Lauren Destefano. It is about a society in which they have cured all diseases. Only one problem, the children born to that generation are only living to the ages of 20 and 25 depending on whether they are boys or girls. Rhine and Rowan are twin 16 year olds. They are trying to survive after the death of their parents. Rhine is kidnapped one day and sold to a man who wants new brides for his son. He is trying to cure the virus. Rhine becomes one of 3 sister wives to the man's son Linden. Linden is kind of clueless to how his father has found these 'brides'. Rhine's only wish is to escape the mansion and try and find her way back to her brother. She meets a house servant named Gabriel who she is more and more drawn to. Life in the mansion is perilous, what happens to the people who die, why aren't the wives allowed off their floor of the mansion, and what happens to the babies born? This was a great, fast, one afternoon read. It was creepy, and interesting and set up an interesting love triangle. This is the first in a trilogy, so I'm looking forward to reading the next one. I enjoyed the setting of the novel, a world where only North America is left... or is it?
Thursday, June 9, 2011
I randomly picked this up off my pile. And couldn't put it down. What a great book about domestic violence and the aftermath on the kids. Split by Swati Avashti, is about Jace and his brother Christian who have survived their abusive father, a judge. Jace's mother puts him in the car and gives him his brother's address and sends him on his way. Christian had left years before and hidden from his father. Jace lands on his doorstep and Christian doesn't know what to do. He lets Jace stay for "a while" and they try and figure out a way to get along. Jace has a secret he doesn't want anyone to know and this comes between the brothers. There is some romance, some action and some serious issues as the boys hope to get their mother to leave and be free of their abusive father. This was a great story and such a fast read. Give it a try.
Supernatural summer...
I had been wandering the book store one day and saw this title and thought, that is right up my alley. The Abused Werewolf Rescue Group by Catherine Jinks is about a boy who finds out he is a werewolf. He wakes up one morning in a dingo pen, and can't remember how he got there. When his mother takes him to the doctor, Toby is contacted by Reuben, an older werewolf, with an offer of help. He needs Toby to make arrangements before the next full moon. Toby doesn't quite believe him and goes on a journey that ends up with him being kidnapped so he can fight other werewolves. Reuben comes to rescue him with the help of his vampire friends. This is a companion book to the Reformed Vampire Support Group, which I really didn't like much. I liked this one much better, but the rescue could have been wrapped up quicker. Zombies also make an appearance, so if you're into the supernatural, but don't want the romance, this is the book for you.
Next up...
I had been waiting for Beauty Queens by Libba Bray to come out since I had heard an excerpt at a book conference. Here's the premise- a plane full of teen beauty queens on the way to a pageant crashed on a (supposedly) deserted island. What do they do now??? Why practice for the pageant of course, what if they are rescued? A beauty queen is always prepared! The girls learn that looks aren't everything when trying to survive, but their 'talents' might just come in handy when it counts. This book is a comment on our society that is filled with reality tv. When the girls are visited by a boat of reality show pirates, mayhem ensues. This book is hilarious but also has a great message that girls are strong and capable and can use their brains! I mean when they take on an evil dictator (think Kim Jong Il in an Elvis outfit) and bring down a corrupt pageant leader, they learn some valuable lessons. Text is dense, and takes some getting used to but don't let that stop you. Enjoy the ride! And watch out for Miss Texas... she may have gone a little crazy.
And it began with...
The first book I read was Divergent by Veronica Roth. I saw this book in a few reviews and it sounded pretty interesting. It didn't disappoint. In this novel, society is divided into 5 factions based on your personality. Are you courageous, honest, selfless, peaceful or intelligent? What would you choose if given the choice? Do you stay with you family, or take a risk and follow your heart? What if you have all these traits and are Divergent? This is a Hunger Games type of dystopian novel with a (surprise, surprise) love story too. I can add Tobias to the long list of fictional boys teenage girls will love. Trice is a strong willed, tough, caring girl who fights for what she wants. What a great way to start the summer of reading.
So I decided to start a blog
As I looked at the pile of books I brought home to read this summer, I thought- how am I going to tell my former students about all these great books. My favorite part of every year is discovering who I will get to have amazing book conversations with... this last year was no exception. After all, it was a student many years ago who said to me- you have to read Twilight- long before the current craze. So I will be plowing through this huge pile and letting you know what I like and dislike. If you are interested, follow along. It will be the summer of books...
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Court of Silver Flames
Not shelf appropriate for middle school. That being said- Nessa and Cassian. If you know you know. Happy reading my ADULT friends. Now we n...

Well, I just sat down to start this book because- wait for it-Darren Shan is coming to OUR SCHOOL!!! So excited. He really writes books th...
When Calamity arrived in the sky, some people changed into Epics. Superheroes or should I say Supervillians. They take over the world, destr...
Let me start by saying that books set in boarding school always have some tragic element to them. This gem by Andrew Smith is no exception. ...